Improve prototype display so clients know they can scroll
I've now had 3 clients voice confusion on "how they can see the rest of the page" on the prototype. The way its laid out, as a frame in the middle of the page, is proving to be confusing even to typical enterprise clients.
I understand the reasoning is to display the page with the specfied fold, but I don't think its useful the way it's implemented. It makes it look like a picture on a page, not a scrollable window.
It may work better allow the prototype to scroll within the full height of the browser, and treat the title, comments, home/page number etc. as a hideable sidebar so it doesn't interfere vertically.
aoi commented
People who do not normally use the mouse wheel on the client side or those who do not use a mouse because of a notebook PC have often asked questions about how to scroll.
Is it possible to display a scroll bar that can be scrolled by clicking and dragging like the red frame part of the attached image?