Style sheet
Implementation of full featured style sheet for controlling type.
Being able to adjust a style in a standard paragraph style edit mode that changes all styles in document would speed up prototyping and screen design.
Sheetal commented
I would like to be able apply text styling from previously created text based component to a non-styled text box, just like the way we do it in InDesign using Paragraph styles or Character styles? So for example, I have an XD doc and the titles and paragraph text on various artboards have default font styling (eg: Helvetica) to what's in the components (our company brand font). I have components created for titles and paragraph text imported from a different XD doc. I would like the component styling to be applied to all the titles and paragraphs across all art-boards. Would be nice if there was an option to right click on default text and have 'apply xxxx component' or 'apply xxxxx component styling' feature in XD.
Sheetal commented
I would like to be able apply text styling from previously created text based component to a non-styled text box, just like the way we do it in InDesign using Paragraph styles or Character styles? So for example, I have an XD doc and the titles and paragraph text on various artboards have default font styling (eg: Helvetica) to what's in the components (our company brand font). I have components created for titles and paragraph text imported from a different XD doc. I would like the component styling to be applied to all the titles and paragraphs across all art-boards. Would be nice if there was an option to right click on default text and have 'apply xxxx component' or 'apply xxxxx component styling' feature in XD.
Kati commented
I want to be able to change something e.g. a text colour in an already existing element that has a style applied to it, and then be able to click "update style" in the text styles panel to match the changes I've just made everywhere.