Fly-out color palette
To access the color palette today, you need to click on the 'Fill' or ' Border' button. The color palette appears as a fly-out color menu. Please remove that. Instead, place it inside the right column under 'Fill' or 'Border' depending on what you choose. Why? 1. It's annoying. 2. It requires extra clicking to access 'Fill' or 'Border'. And that's less great ux. 3. It will take less screen real estate. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
2 items:
1. When selecting any Object/Type on canvas, show the color value at a higher level rather than drilling down an extra click to open the color palette. (keep it sticky with what user has chosen, HEX, RGB etc..). See attached
2. Highlight the color in use. This will help especially with a lot of greys, to make sure it's already in the color palette. See attached.