Transparency in hex code
I need color in 8-digit hex code (with transparency). And the color code should be displayed in Design Specs too. And it would be great if first two digits of alpha channel to stay a bit apart visually for easy perception, but not be divided with space to correctly copy/pasted
eltonjorn commented
The HEX code for a transparent color is represented by "00" for its alpha channel, along with the six-digit HEX code for the RGB values. For example, if you want a transparent red color, the HEX code would be "#00FF0000." The "00" in the beginning represents full transparency, while "FF" represents the maximum intensity for red. Similarly, you can adjust the transparency level for other colors by modifying the alpha channel value.
The HEX code for a 50% transparent red color would be "#80FF0000." In this case, the "80" represents the alpha channel value, which determines the transparency level. The alpha channel ranges from 00 (completely transparent) to FF (fully opaque), with 80 representing approximately 50% opacity. The remaining six digits "FF0000" represent the RGB values for pure red. By adjusting the alpha channel value, you can create varying levels of transparency for different colors.
Bruno Alves commented
It would be great to have access to RGBA color values for CSS.
E.g., rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3);