Prototyping mode: View that doesn't show all links / interaction wires
In a document with a large number of artboards it would be great to have some functionality for clearing up the clutter:
1: Select a number of artboards.
2: Choose View, «Show Only Links of selected artboards»
Choose View, «Show Only outgoing links of selected artboards»
Choose View, «Show Only incomming Links of selected artboards»
Andrea Tseng commented
Seconding: The new and supposedly-improved v20.0.12.10 has removed the feature in Prototype mode where you can click on an artboard and see all incoming and outgoing prototype links on that artboard, shown in blue and gray lines for incoming and outgoing links. That was an incredibly helpful feature that I don't know why was taken away.
After being on a support call with Adobe for an hour the technician informed me that the only way to see this is selecting all artboards (CMD/CTRL A)
This results in a tangled blue and utterly useful mess in the screenshot as you can see. Imagine going through and trying to run through all your artboards to make sure they are linked up properly.