Default to Opacity User Experience
When I go to update an elements dimensions I select the width input field. But often times I miss the active input field and my selection defaults to the opacity input. I suppose since I am new to XD this will happen until I get use to it. However, I enjoy the clean look, but I would much rather be able to know where I need to click at for the input. Much like how the Properties panel is in Photoshop. There is a clear input box. I realize the bottom boarder line input look is the now look. But maybe since the inactive color is so light against the white background look; I miss it when I am working at a certain speed. And the fact that it defaults to the opacity input when I have already entered in the desired number really slows down progress, since I have to stop and correct course.
Suggested Solution:
1) As mentioned update the input to reflect like the input fields in the Photoshop app.
2) Make the line a darker grey color against the white background.
3) If I accidentally click outside of the input field within the dimensions property section/panel it should default to the width input or better yet don't default anywhere.
I'm really excited about this app, but I can see it still needs some work to be fully functional for proper use.