Confirmation Box when Creating New Link
When you have an existing shared project and you go to "Share Again", because you need to update the link, the new link is directly under the "Share Again" button, so I have accidentally clicked "New Link" when I only wanted to do an update.
This mistake means I have to contact the entire Executive and Sales levels associated with the source project, to let them know about the new link they now have to distribute to all of the Clients / Prospects / Partners. This also means update PowerPoints that have the link embedded with them, etc... It's a nightmare.
Due to the potential impact of what this kind of a misstep can cause, what I propose is:
1) Move Update until "Share Again" to avoid the double click
2) If you select "Create a New Link" there needs to be a confirmation to insure that is a deliberate act
3) Cancel the upload to retain the old link. If I could X out of the upload, it is that final wall to stop an error.
Anonymous commented
The confirm() method displays a dialog box with a specified message, along with an OK and a Cancel button. A confirm box is often used if you want the user to verify or accept something.
Source: -
Steven Jenner commented
Latest update to add Design Specs has lessened this issue, because the accidental double-click is gone, but I still believe you should have a confirmation window to confirm you do want to create a new link when one exists. Logically there are only 2 reasons I have ever created a NEW link on purpose.
1) A bug is stopping me from updating my existing link. This hasn't come up in a long time and I think it related to an unstable internet connection which caused the system to timeout.
2) To time lock a provided link. Say I have a Client and I submit a link to him as a concept for review, they provide feedback, but I don't want them seeing my project as I am updating it and testing. I will create a new link before I begin edits and then provide that new link to them for review the next time we are meeting.
Outside of that, I haven't seen many use cases. Often I only use one link and continue to update it as needed.
Steven Jenner commented
1) Move update UNDER "Share Again" to avoid the double-click issue