Share Again – don’t copy URL on Saved-As
I often ‘save as’ my app, and rebrand it for a different client. Despite renaming the saved-as file, if I SHARE AGAIN, it will remember the old URL – and sometimes I’m tired enough to accidentally over-write the file. This would be disastrous with clients! Please forget the URL of a saved-as file.
Now, when you Save As, your old URLs will not transfer over.
Matthew commented
Elaine, this change is Bad. It's now more like a "save as new" not a traditional Adobe "save as". I place the shareable URL as an asset or resource inside what makes up an XD file.
Fundamentally "save as" is a complete duplicate of the file at that point in time, in every way with a change in the file name. Leaving all the work you just have finished safely in the original file. Giving optimisation of file size, document cleanliness reducing layer and groping management and versioning.
The option to create a new URL "Found in the share view" is plenty appropriate to split from an old URL with a new URL. The use cases of "I forgot to.." or "Bad file management" is not good enough in my eyes to change the "save as" function.
Now a little about why this is so destructive to workflows involving multiple teams in small, medium and large companies. Stakeholders, Product, front and back end engineering to QA, all need to be aligned with a few core pieces of any project. Requirements and what it should look and work like. You better believe the ability to have a single point of UI/UX truth becomes key to all staying on the same page as the project moves from start to finish.
The life span of a project can be short or very long. Evolving across departments leaving behind our sharable XD URL in requirements, Applications, and Notes. From Executives to Managers and other note-takers on a project the last thing they want to do is manage the UX/UI or Designers constantly changing URLs.
People naturally pass that sharable XD URL in all sorts of ways `slack, email, spreadsheets'' with the expectation they will not need another link until told explicitly otherwise… This lightens the load on my department to update in all locations that we may or may not have access too.
This has been key to the department's buying into, using and referencing the Adobe XD URL. The phrase “I have pushed the changes to the URL” has become super powerful and means the same thing to every department.
In true design fashion, I keep a complete archive of the project and process in XD files. The ability to start the one URL from beginning to end has been powerful in optimizing workflow through the life of the project.
If a file is the whole project or just a small piece of one, the decision is mine when I need another shareable URL and not stunted by "save as". I should be able to document my XD files my way without having to create a new URL for every file I save, till I create a new file.
Alternatively can we not give the option to reset the shareable URL during the action of Save as with the "never show again" option if this is critical to product functionality?
Thank you for your consideration, Please change this.
Matt -
Lily Lilymou commented
I agree with Phil. This is very BAD.
We need to keep the same link after a "save as". This is basic when a designer is sharing a project with his team during some time till completion. A save as allows to keep trace of the different versions and progression of the design. During this process, having to create a new link to share with the same people is really counter intuitive.
Adobe should make sure a request with 10 votes is what the community really needs before applying it...
Please revert back to keeping the same link on save as and give the option to create a new link at any point.
Phil commented
This is BAD
We had the option to create a new link, but no option to keep the same workflow and update the link.What the hell is that! All my dev team and client are getting pissed because I send them a new link!
You know how designer work, we create a new file for each big change (file1, file2).
Please give us at least the option!!
Tressa commented
This sounds like the same issue I am having.
Every time I 'Save As' with a file I have already shared, when I go to Share for Review or Specs again, the Name defaults to the previously saved file instead of the newly saved as file, and the 'update' link option is active.
On multiple occasions I've accidentally updated something that I should have created a new link for. I'm not even sure if it's overwriting the old file or if I've just got two identically named files (because I always pull up the old file and update it as soon as I realize the error.)
What I expect to happen: On 'Save As', any previously shared/created URLs will be removed and I will be returned to the 'Create new Link' state by default with the new file name in the Share Title field.
To Repro:
1) Create a file
2) Share for Review
3) Save file As [some other name]
4) Go to Share for Review (now in the new file)
-> note the old file name is in the title field and I have the option to update...I'm guessing this is by design (and therefore not a bug) but it's super annoying (especially when creating/sharing/updating hundreds of prototypes a month.) Please improve!!!
Christopher commented
This has to be a bug. It should NOT be possible for two completely different XD files to share the same URL!
I am constantly having this issue. Why in the world would two different XD files have the same URL? -
Thanks for the feedback Jonathan. It is something we have heard in the past. I'm reviewing this with the team.