XD Feedback: hard to select and group/ungroup and scroll
Here is my feedback from using XD for a day.
You can't really figure out how to do anything without reading the tutorial. The main issue is scrolling. Needs to be more intuitive. I nknow scroll bars aren't in vogue, but that would make it possible for people to scroll. Using a large screen external monitor and mouse, you don't have touch and the touchpad isn't as convenient.
Selecting elements of compound objects is REALLY HARD. You can either click about 100 times until you get it, or zoom way in, click a smaller number of times, and then scroll out.
Is there a group/ungroup? I assume there is and it looks like it is connected Repeat Grid in some non-obvious way. There is plenty of room for group/ungroup controls. Why don't you have it?
You need a better solution for pan/scroll than holding down the space bar.
Thanks for your feedback! Unfortunately, UserVoice works best when each feature request is split up into a separate feedback session, so that others can upvote. We appreciate the confusion, and hope you found that:
1. Mousewheel support for scrolling exists, similar to our other tools
2. Ctrl+Click will direct select objects inside groups
3. Group and ungroup are accessible in the context menu (right click)
Edu Couchez commented
Nowadays the usability design software is more trend/cool oriented than human centered. XD in windows sucks because the "common sense" top menú is hidden under tons of clicks and mouse trips in a collapsible left menu.
In fact, Adobe made such usability aberration just because "We are following Microsoft UWP design guidelines, which removes the top menu bar in order to be more touch-friendly."
Ok! so we invest in expensive 4k super monitors to be more competitive, only to waste our time in interfaces designed only with tablets in mind.
Bad times for UX are coming.