Option to turn auto select off
I would like to be able to prevent the Select tool from automatically selecting the topmost layer (just like in Photoshop) so I can drag/move items without having to select them directly or have my cursor directly on them.
brak512 commented
I know voting is closed but this really needs to be a feature. Not having this makes it feel like Canva. We don't want our Adobe products feeling like Canva.
jurgen berden commented
It is so annoying, you manually select some layers to move and it still selects all... its insanely annoying
Aleksandar commented
it is very annoying with a large volume of layers, plssss
hahojung commented
Gradient Too!!
hahojung commented
Auto Select please~~~~ !!!! ㅠㅠ
siuchun cheung commented
This is my first day change from sketch to XD.
I NEVER can select the layer I want to select.
PLEASE disable the autoselect function in XD.
Please don't pretend to be very clever!!!!!!!
I Cannot move even one single object in my works.
It always try to moving the locked layer on top.
Do you know what the meaning of "LOCKED"? It means I DO NOT WANT TO MOVE IT!!!!!
How can it be so stupid?!?!?!??! -
Patricia Willard commented
yes, it drives me crazy when I want to select objects behind another object and it keeps auto-selecting the one above. Like the previous commenter - the same functionality as "auto-select" in photoshop
Steve commented
Essentially the same 'Auto Select' feature from Photoshop.