Separate opacity for border, fill/area, and image thats inside the frame
Seperate opacity of border, area/fill and image inside the frame. So I can set the image to 80% and with the black fill it will be shaded/darkened but the white boarder is still white and has no opacity!
Understood! Leaving this open with the attached clarification.
Matza commented
It's a shame that we have to deal with two elements to darken an image. At complex designs with dozens of elements that's really superfluous and makes the work unneccesary complex.
It's a basic feature to darken an image and edit background color and border separately. XD limitates my design work and slow me down. Please implement this!!!!!! -
Matza commented
Yes, I think I need something other. It would be great to use just one element so I just give an image a white border and a black background and if I can give the image an opacity of 80% separately, its getting darker, cause of the black background. At the moment the image has to be on a separately layer above the rectangle with the white border and the black background.