Touch Bar for Adobe XD
Because.. why not?
DavidTrin commented
Please add it.
I'd love to have on the left side near 'Esc' - Design/Prototype/Share modes - with the rest of the bar being contextual.Please.
Martin Vlček commented
2021 ? No touch bar?
Anonymous commented
I need to quickly align objects in XD. Please make touchbar options for XD!
Tim Lavin commented
Fully agree with comments below, sketch has had this integration for a long time now, which greatly speeds up your workflow. It's time to catch up!
Abhishek Sharma commented
It's 2019 and XD is getting popular. Don't create friction for experienced users!
Srinivas javidi commented
Add something for Touchbar in Mac, Like Assets(Colors and Type..etc) or Tools.
Randa Victor commented
it's much needed! it saves a lot of time!
Yerom_D commented
2019 ? No touch bar ?
Chris Cannon commented
It would be nice to have Touchbar capabilities. Quick actions would help me save time in my designing.
Armando Scuro commented
This would be amazing for applying colors or character styles available in the asset panel without having to open up the assets panel.
Freed commented
I benefit from using the touch bar on photoshop and other programs to help me speed up my workflow on my projects.
As an XD user I would like have this featured on the touch bar. Even having simple features would help with my XD projects.
Ellis commented
It would be great if we could utilize the 'Touch Bar' feature when using XD
If you take a look at Sketch there version of the 'Touch Bar' tools works perfectly you can quickly select colours, fix spelling mistakes etc..
It would be great to see this feature in XD as it would be very beneficial and could be good for when creating prototypes? So for example when you are attaching links together and you get the options for transitions be nice to have these in the touch bar so you can quickly choose one from the 'Touch Bar' area rather then scrolling threw in the app.. I am sure lots of things could be used to do similar things speed actions up and just make the whole experience better.
I think utilising the 'Touch Bar' feature would be very valuable and make a whole difference to way designer use XD for designing.
Ellis -
David Vošický commented
I really need too!
Cristian Moisei commented
Sketch does this pretty well actually, they make the tool selector available, then change the UI based on the tool you have selected so you have access to the most popular controls. It also gives you quick access to the appropriate styles when you select an object.
It's not a priority, since it will be a while before a considerable number of people have the touchbar, but it is still something to consider.
Frank Segebade commented
I have buy me the MacBook Pro 15 with Touch Bar. Please support the Touch Bar !!
Thank you