Prototyping improvements needed
I've got over a hundred views on multiple projects. For this issue whenever I segue any elements during prototyping the list name of the views which comes up is not alphabetized. This becomes very cumbersome to find the exact name of the view I need to segue which is a real hassle and as a result wastes a bit of time.
Also it would be a great time saver to be able to segue the same elements found on multiple views. For example if I want to segue an add button to a particular view and this elements appears on all my views then there should be a way in which it allows this to happen, rather than having to go through a hundred views individually to make this happen.
Finally in design mode arranging objects to be in the front/back often takes several attempts even when using the keyboard shortcut methods. This would be great if it was more seamless.
Thanks for your feedback! We prefer that the inputs to UserVoice be granular so that people can upvote specific issues. I see three requests in this idea, two of which are already submitted. Please do upvote these:
- Sort artboards in target artboard list:
- Allow for interaction wires/links from objects inside a symbol:
The third one seems to be a bug, as our arrange feature should work when prompted. Please note that there may be objects that were drawn or placed in the middle of your Z-order. You might want to open the layers panel (Cmd-Y) and see if your object is actually moving up and down when you use the keyboard shortcut methods.
Thanks again for your feedback!