Anonymous commented
waiting for linux version QAQ
Anonymous commented
Linux has grown... arrive in 2020 and take care about Linux.
Alex commented
Waiting for a linux ver....
Anonymous commented
Please Linux Version...
hellvz commented
Year 2020 and there's no LINUX version yet. =(
Anonymous commented
Can you guys please bring adobe xd on linux.
Asadbek commented
I could install Adobe Xdd, photoshop Adobe Ilustrator and other with "wine".
alphadec commented
Love to see a linux version of XD, but I think that the reason we DONT have a linux version is that microsoft haved payd adobe to not port it to linux becouse they only want it to be on windows10, maybe the worst OS ever.
Anonymous commented
We need linux version please
Danrlei Dal Fré commented
figma is multiplatform and better than adobe xd
Anonymous commented
please make linux version................................
tom commented
i have linux. a designer sends me an xyz.xd file. how to open?
get your business done. how dare you to use propietary file formats?
1996 wants its busines models back.
Sergio Quan commented
Whole Adobe should be available for Linux :)
Paul R. De Buck commented
Leaving all Adobe ecosystem because of this bull**** we cannot run the soft on Linux ! What a disgrace ! And you support Mac so Unix, so you could support Linux, yet here we are. I'm going with the comptetion thank you for nothing, going Figma, you guys should try it, very linux friendly.
Derrick commented
I am using alternatives to XD because there is no version for Linux.
Emil commented
XD and Photoshop are essential apps for most of the designers and developers. Adobe would do a great favour not only to the community, but also to the design industry, if they released those apps for Linux systems.
Kah commented
I think adobe will never invest in Linux, as they might be afraid of what happened with Adobe Reader for linux.
so for the timebeing, its better to use Figma [https://www.figma.com] (a web based service) to create your designs which is similar and a lot better when comparing with XD.
It works on anyplatfrom which can run supported browsers, so no more waiting, just design stuff and get work done
than waiting for a monster to wake up to your calls and do the work for you..Happy Designing.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
PLS, make a LINUX VER :((
Jonathan Martz commented
Would be interesting to have such a nice tool as developer to create a nice preview, which we can develop in real.