Change green checkmark to another icon when the prototype falls out of date
Confusing: Sharing popup shows green checkmark even when shared prototype is out of date
Loving the product folks, just a quick suggestion. Not really a bug.. more of a UX issue. I was a little thrown off when my prototype wasn’t updating even though the green check (up to date?) was there. The copy with ‘share again’ feels wrong to me when you can share again OR update the app.
I’m not marking this as completed, because we’ve gone through a number of iterations on the popup (now Share Mode), which removed the green checkmark. Given that the product has shifted so much, I’m marking this as inactive.
Bryan commented
I agree with Peter. After I had already gotten a link to share once, the green checkbox didn't mean for me that it was shared, I assumed it was that the content at the link had been "updated" at first. Having to click "Share Again" before finding "Update Link" means that I had to think "well, since I have to 'Share Again' maybe my current URL will no longer work, and I'm going to have to share a new link every time". Then I discover update. It's a few too many clicks to simply update.
Peter commented
Ultimately, I was under the assumption that app automatically updated my prototype. When it wasn't, I found it confusing that the ability to 'update the link' was under share again.
AdminAdrian (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Peter! Are you saying that you've hit 'Update Link' and received a success page, but don't see those changes reflected when you visit the link?