Canvas - larger pan area (panning stops at pasteboard edges)
I like the center whatever I'm working on, currently it's impossible to do so with artboards on the edge of the canvas. I'd like to be able to pan outside it. I know you can zoom out, but I want to maintain a certain size for legibility reasons.
Alex H commented
Currently, in the lastest version of Xd, you can't move the pan the canvas while dragging interaction handles and other components within Xd.
I would like this to function the same way that is currently does in Photoshop.
While dragging something, when my cursor reaches the edge of the screen, start pannng the canvas so that I can continue to move my objects until my destination artboard comes into view.
Zooming out to grab items is not always a good solution. On complex projects with many interactions, it become impossible to grab specific interaction handles and other components with the mouse.