Default Transition Setting or Global Application of Transition Effect
As a user who needs to present UX ideas quickly to stakeholders, I would like there to be a way for me to set a default transition setting of my choice at both the file and application level.
I've found myself creating a complicated matrix of targets, only to realize that the last 20 I did (or was it 30?) have the application, default 'slide left' when yesterday, I had everything set up for my 0.1 second dissolve without an ease out.
If not a preference setting, the ability to apply a transition globally to all targets.
Thanks everyone. Great job on a very useful product.
Milo Neri commented
IMO transition settings should be set per-document and globally (applied to all new documents)
There should be 4 set of defaults parameters [type, duration, easing, delay]- Default settings for INTERACTION
- Default settings for HOVER states
- Default settings for TOGGLE states
- Default settings for NEW states -
Mat Brady commented
I too would like Preferences in XD, in particular the ability to choose a default Transition type.
Jared commented
It's possible! You can do so when in Prototype mode and selecting all (cmd a) you can change the mode and duration and it will apply on all! (make sure to not select a target when doing global adjustments but that makes sense I guess)
ChrisfromCafaro commented
Agree with prior commenters. Tremendous potential for an interface consistent with other Adobe products, and with more robust features for adjusting increments/measurements/grid, dark mode, default save location, etc.
JoeDu commented
Preferences for interface please! I have limited color vision and I cannot tell which tool I have selected!
Anonymous commented
Preference for default font and paths colors, please
Anonymous commented
Yes, Preferences. Another basic and necessary feature missing from Adobe XD.
If you ever put it back, please add a preference to stop auto-capitalizing everything I type. -
Joe O commented
Templates location
GDteam commented
Preferences setting is essential, why's this still grayed out until now? :(
The output of my team are inconsistent because we don't have access and control on the export setting of our Adobe XDs. Export from a MacPro compared to export from Acer Swift 3.
Should our team switch tools bec. of this? -
Ivan Berka commented
Sure, give us a Preferences please.
Martin Dubé commented
When starting a new project give me a MODAL POP-UP where...#1a
... I can define the DEFAULT CARACTER STYLE of this new project. If I choose so this new default style will be added a **CARACTER STYLE** in the list of document's assets.#1b
... (if I don't want to create a new style but use an existing one) offer me the option of selecting one of the **CARACTER STYLES from an other project from my **CLOUD LIBRARY**.> This PREFERENCES suggestion could be addressed in a common task with the following suggestion:
In that same POP-UP MODAL, allow me to set one of the **COLORS from LIBRAIRY** as my default `border-color`.#3
Give me a basic PREFERENCES interface where I can change those settingsdefine what style of « default border » I want in my application.#4
Also... As a ressource of our Design System teams, I would LOVE(!!!) to have access to a Json file to set this level of preferences in my XD app (like we have in Microsoft Visual Studio Code). This would allow us to share our PREFERENCES settings within our design team. -
Cubelodyte commented
Make the hints/tips stop!
It can become quite aggravating to have one's work interrupted by a large hint dialog explaining how to use the features one has been using for several years?!
Robbie commented
Would really like to change how the zoom works. I need the Animated Zoom!
Anonymous commented
Please add this to the feature backlog. Would like to see.
-M@ commented
basics like spacing increments, guide & grid colors, etc.... should all be there, like a normal design program!!
It's so frustrating
Douglas commented
Please do this. I'm wasting a LOT of time because of that. Thanks
Sam B commented
I second this:
"I'm tired of always setting up a duration of a transition (from one page to another) to 0"
but I would have said "sooooo tired..." -
Edgar commented
Is this what happens when greedy companies like Adobe start giving away software for free... even the small stuff is dropped?
This Grey'd Out Preferences / Preferences request has been completely ignored from posts dating back to early 2017.
1. Take away the "Preferences" link until you (i quote support) "...figure out what to use preferences for..."
2. Actually spend a little time with Preferences. Small things can go a long ways.Again, the project PM's are not listening to your customers. How long did your team spend on all the Voice Interactions again?
Shayan Naqvi commented
Please do make the preferences option available in Adobe Xd. It has been greyed out on Mac forever. Preferences are mandatory for any design. software.
Guy Stapleton commented
If preferences do become an option, please include the option to turn off the animated tool tips.
For a while I thought it was something wrong with my setup which was causing the preferences to be dimmed.