Multiple pages (separate sets of artboards)
Sometimes, for 1 design project we need to make several options and to do so currently we need to create new files every time and name them with versions. So I think it would be really cool if we can create multiple designs within the same file and then be able to have multiple prototype links also based on different options, that would organize stuff and make it much easier.
We’re planning to support pages in XD. Stay tuned!
Kathrin Koehler commented
Sketch vs. Figma vs. XD (the same Project)
Kathrin Koehler commented
I am missing the function to organize the artboards in pages, like it is possible in Figma or Sketch.
We work collaboratively between UX- and UI- Designers and Developers and have complex user flows within one product. It helps to organize the artboards in flows or in sprints so that we can hand it over to another colleague without any explanation. -
Anonymous commented
This really needs to be added to the product if we're going to continue using XD.
Kopo Tan commented
The reason why my entire company dropped XD and moved to Figma. 4 years request and no action. Sorry Adobe, your Product Manager seems to be priority issues.
Paolo Filippi commented
Ehiiii come on Adobeeee!!!! For large projects is a fundamental this feature!
I have to use 20 files for project, one for each section! -
Anonymous commented
This request was raised in 2016 (over FOUR YEARS ago), has 800+ votes yet it's still not even under official review/consideration?
darrin commented
This feature is also extremely useful in Sketch (and Figma) for large projects to separate sections. For example, I usually work on very large websites and use a page for the Homepage and related screens, another page for About and related screens, another page for Products and related screens. In XD this gets extremely overwhelming because I cannot group my screens.
XD please stop making me miss Sketch so much. If they ported Sketch to Windows right now, you would not stand a chance (many of my clients require Windows-friendly files). This feature is absolutely necessary, among many other you are missing (editable masks like Sketch, toggle click-through of layers like Sketch, swapping same-sized symbols like Sketch, pasting new layers above currently selected layer like Sketch instead of at the top of the layer tree, ability to add background color to overlays (in prototype) like Sketch... the list goes on).
Please get your shit together. Thanks!
John commented
Now that Illustrator has an 100x artboard increase. No reason why we can't have both "Pages" as well as a very large artboard size. I've designed some basic prototypes for an large app, and I'm running out of space to create artboards?
Kulika commented
I need XD should have several options feature, I love XD but Figma is useful for this optionals, please coming soon XD
Caleb Kingcott commented
I used to use this feature in Figma and would definitely find it useful.
janis likansis commented
When is this coming? I am tired of creating copies of files just because i dont want to publish drafts and ideations. Please include this ASAP.
OR... at least for now make selectable art-boards to publish. -
James Newton commented
This is a must needed feature!
I hear Figma calling... -
Joo Chung commented
Totally need this feature. The single page plus finite canvas make working on large projects / projects with lots of screens exceptionally tedious. Add to this a separate page for MASTER components and the experience would be far far less frustrating. Especially given that master components look identical to instances until you click on them. That extra click is exceptionally annoying when you're dealing with a lot of elements. I know we can create multiple files, say, one for master components, and others for each major section of the flow, but that means we now have to juggle multiple files, which is an unnecessary headache in my opinion.
jsyp commented
"sometimes we need several options" Ha! ALL THE TIME
Cada9 commented
I don't understand why there is no response to this by the Adobe team. I feel like this is a 'MUST' feature.
Anonymous commented
Still not in the update...
I am still on Figma. -
Pertti Kontio commented
Why not use a usual version control system like git or subversion for this purpose? With that you can make as many parallel versions as you like, and go back and forth in version history as well.
Rafael commented
I'm thinking to move to Figma, I need this feature, please! I have more than 10 files, its boring to find and share with devs.
Pedro commented
just had to move from Figma to XD because of company policy, cant believe this doesnt exist is like going back 10 years! Its going to be a pain to maintain various stages of project in one canvas.
Mara commented
This is a huge pain point and has caused my team to discuss abandoning for a different prototyping tool. I've been using XD for over a year and have enjoyed using, but every time there's a feature release I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for this feature, and it's such a let down to see that this is not a higher priority.
And infinite canvas! Why why why is there not an infinite canvas!!