Expand Stroke / Create Outlines (convert stroke to separate filled path)
In Illustrator, I can draw an object and then use Expand to convert the strokes to a fill.
I would like to be able to do this in XD
I am happy to let you know that once with release of XD 41, we’ve also shipped the Outline Stroke feature.
Happy designing!
Corina Murgila
Anonymous commented
Would be better if this feature was at right click menu. I spent time looking for it.
tizzle commented
Incredible. If you have custom icons in your designs that you want to prepare for devs this is the single mort important feature. Why?
Nick Morton commented
2016 this feature was requested - a feature which should have been there from v0.0. It's now 2021 and this basic need in a vector based app is still not implemented.
Adobe, why do you half-arse XD so much? If you're worried about canabalising Illustrator users by making vectors remotely usable in XD, then maybe you should wake up and realise not improving XD is canabalising ALL Adobe products.
The fact that when I'm working with a client's XD file and can get things done much faster by copying and pasting into Figma and re-exporting from there than from XD says a lot about the lack of attention given to this product.
Angshuman commented
This is a super demanding feature. Waiting for Adobe to include this soon.
Steven Mancera commented
@halfgandalf I wish I could like your comment a thousand times
halfgandalf commented
It's 2021 and this feature doesn't exist in XD? Adobe, honestly shouldn't design softwares because they still design these tools like it's 2005.
In any other software (Sketch, Figma), you don't have to google simple things like how to Mask, Outline Stroke etc. But when its Adobe, everythings hidden under terrible UX decisions so you have to google every tiny feature.
I needed to use this thing for 2 days for a project, and once again I realised how frustrated I get using Adobe softwares. Every behaviour is hidden under menus, modals etc like its Windows 95. Figma is 10 years ahead of what you made here without exaggeration.
Manon commented
When we make an app design, the developers need all icons to be a fill, not stroke. This means we have to copy ALL icons to illustrator, expand them, copy them back to xd.
We NEED this to be in Adobe XD. This feedback was posted 5 years ago. Please??? Can we get an update?
sail1993 commented
When will this feature be available??
Maria commented
Hi! It's been 5 years since your users raised this need.. Are you looking into this anytime soon? Can you give us any update?
Kristian Højlund Bangsø commented
We need this soo much.
This messes up everything -
郭貼 commented
please,I need it !!!!!
Anonymous commented
Five years and still nothing? I am switching to figma.
Johan Hermansson commented
Pretty please, with sugar on top
Tejas Varsani commented
In Illustrator, I can draw an object and then use Expand to convert the strokes to a fill.
I would like to be able to do this in XD
Matthias commented
Need this for SVG exports. For now copy paste in AI en export from there.
Mitsuki commented
Everytime I need to export as SVG, open with Illustrator, create outline, and import back to XD.... It's sooooo annoying! 😫 -
Hai commented
A must-have feature. XD is lacking many essential features comparing to Figma
Daniel commented
After being a heavy Figma user for years but needing to primarily use XD for work now, I can say with absolute certainty that XD is the worst prototyping tool I've ever used. I am constantly running into issues, questions, confusion, and missing capabilities that should be givens in a professional prototyping tool by this point in time. I look them up online only to realize that other people have also complained about the same things. Bottom line – Adobe XD is honestly a horrible design and prototyping software, particularly compared to Figma. I love Illustrator and Photoshop but heavens Adobe, XD is rough - borderline unusable - compared to Sketch and Figma.
Billy j commented
This is a deal breaker.
Rachel commented
I need this feature.