Tab Button should indent text
The tab button on a keyboard doesn't indent text like it would in every other text tool in adobe suite.
please make the tab button indent paragraph text.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature ASAP!
Sunny Chaturvedi commented
Please Add This Option
Tadiane Oliveira commented
Text formatting capabilities are essential for diagramming, including on mobile devices. Please pay attention to indentation and tabulation.
Anonymous commented
Where is the negative text indent support?
Joram Salisbury commented
For Windows Users
> Tab an indednt in a text box in another Adobe program
> Highlight the 'tab' with the cursor
> Copy it
> Paste it into your text box in XDYou can paste multiple tabs after one another for a wider indent or table setup
Matt Ryan commented
+1 on proper tabs/indents in XD. If a software prototyping tool can't easily recreate something that has been a feature of the web since the 90s, it's pretty absurd. Please take a moment from implementing new flashy features and get your text control up to Illustrator or Indesign standards... or even IE6 standards :-).
Fernanda commented
I just found out that you can indent text by pressing alt+tab (Mac). Would be really useful to have indent options on the Text Options menu.
Davide commented
I'm working on a T&C page with 2,000 words of multi-clause indented txt. OMFG this is painful.
Nico commented
Found this thread while looking for a solution to this (seems there isn't one yet) and just wanted to +1 and point out that indentation is entirely possible on the web through the text-indent property in CSS. There's no reason why XD shouldn't support it in the same way InDesign does through paragraph styling.
Anonymous commented
I found a workaround for Windows: Shift + Enter on the line to tab and then space, space, space until its indented where you want it,
Cz commented
Please add, it would be so helpful. I have to make manual spacing if i want to create an indent which is ridiculous.
Edu Couchez commented
Or at least, create a basic included "table" element or something similar, so we can create quick tab arranged texts and elements.
John commented
This would be helpful. I have everything in one text box but now I have to have each heading in separate text field so I can indent text
Martin Sarna commented
Randy Karey commented
You can't make a multi-line ordered or unordered list because all lines after the first line line up with the left edge of the text box, not with the indented start of the first line of text. It's very difficult to work with. Plus there are no soft returns to mimc the break tag. These missing features are making me give up on XD. Let me know when you fix it, maybe then I'll take another look.
dp commented
but there is no indent in html so why should there be one in a web prototyping tool? true there is margin/padding left, but then you can just put "indented" content in its own frame and move it the required number of pixels.
Sunn Jellie commented
Setting text indents is needed as much as text justification options!
Its a bit weird not to have such an obvious basic text formatting options in UI developing software. -
RichD commented
Pasting tabbed text from Illustrator ignores all tab formatting (tabs indents lost).
Would be nice to have tab control support including distance and alignment type. -
Anonymous commented
Yup, I totally agree! But I wanted to mention that after trying some different things to see if anything worked, if you hold the Option key down (Mac) while hitting tab key it will tab over. just can't figure out how to make adjustments though (like in the tab dialog menu in InDesign).
Cam commented
"It makes a lot of sense carrying some of the typography UX across the CC Suite."