Ability to replace/update image files
I wish I had the ability to select an image and be able to update the file or change the image with out having to import another image if it is exactly the same size or I updated the design.
Victor Schmidlin commented
Extremely frustrating when you've changed the size of a photo inside of a clipping mask. Shoud be able to just relink without redoing the cropping every time.
atomicvibe commented
The Replace Image function imports a replacement photo, but resets the proportions and placement to the photo's original size!!! ARGH! This is so frustrating! I'm trying to do a very basic hover effect in which a duotone photo changes to full color on hover, and it seems the only workaround is to use masks. How is this most basic of basic features not available in XD???!!! Jesus, Adobe, this is really lame.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to replace a picture from clipboard, like it is possible in PowerPoint. The drag and drop feature works great, but sometimes I need to replace a picture with one i dont have on file or the internet.
atomicvibe commented
Replacing an image resets it to its original size?? Really??!! COME ON, Adobe. This is insane.
Brad Knapp commented
Very disappointing that this is still not a basic feature. Even QuarkXpress could handle this concept 20 years ago. Might as well just make mockups in Wordpress, at least there we can replace an image, update a folder of images via FTP. it sure would be nice if XD was 1/10th the app that Indesign, Photoshop or Illustrator are.
anya commented
I wish the layout and typography tools in Xd were similar to InDesign, it would make it a way more professional app. For now, it's total frustration when it comes to design and edits.
Anne commented
Something I run into on a regular basis is designing a website with comp/FPO stock images in layout. When a page is fully approved by my client and I need to download the high res stock image, this feature would be amazing to just replace with the high res file like the other Adobe apps do. In its current functionality in XD, you can "Replace image" but it essentially resets it. 99% of time, I have images scaled and place very precisely. It's frustrating that the "replace image" option doesn't keep these scale and location values.
Anonymous commented
Replace image isn't working for me in my current situation. Seems buggy at least. I can replace a layered psd with a flat jpg, but not with another layered psd. Ideally, the replace/update would work like InDesigns. I like the benefit of being able to import layers into XD and alter those layers, in theory at least. In practice though, I use photoshop for photoshop work and XD for XD work and that means touching up images in photoshop and laying out and exporting in XD. In fact, in addition to using XD to prototype, I use it to create production templates to export many sizes and crops at once. XD is the jam for that, and it fits into the idea of creating design systems for teams, but I need to be able to quickly update/replace all instances of an image in XD for it to wrk thoroughly. Again, the Indesign model is perfect.
Anonymous commented
thanks for adding replace image finally! Next question why does it not change file name to replaced image.
Right now when I replace image it keeps the same file name as previous? Drives me crazy might as well not have that option drag and drop at least maintains file name.
Also noticed when I copy and paste appearance an image used elsewhere into a mask it keeps the existing file name. Totally bizzare it would do that.
that's my rant for the day...lol
Anonymous commented
+1 on this functionality. Would be great to have.
Chris commented
How is this not already there. Even online Google apps have this.
Padu commented
I need this feature for yesterday!
Anonymous commented
silly that xd doesn't have this yet. basic functionality needed. Sketch is still way ahead.
[Deleted User] commented
This really needs to be a new feature quickly. I am already looking for other options to start prototyping.
JemDesign commented
Just drag and drop new image over existing image and it will swap...
A.Lin commented
I find it hard to believe this feature does not exist. It is extremely cumbersome and inefficient to have to go back, position and copy and paste an image that I want to update. The functionality that exists in InDesign would be ideal.
Anonymous commented
Totally agree, this is a very basic functionality that is on all other adobe applications. Why not here?
Anonymous commented
OMG this is super essential!
This thread got a bit confused. What we need is that the image imported into XD is linked to the original image source. Literally every design application works this way (websites, apps, programs etc.. all work this way).
Where is the source image located in XD. Makes it very hard to keep a well organised project.
Sarah commented
Still waiting for this feature. It should work just like Indesign im having to replace 20+ screens the long way
Jon commented
Stop trying to siphon-off Sketch users. Give us something until your UI tools catch-up. You know we will all move 'fully' to XD at some point.
You have the updateable assets feature in PSD, Illustrator and InDesign.