Animate individual elements separately (custom animation transitions / microinteractions)
Support for simple animation.
Example: Show/hide a slide or push menu
This would enhance a demo and engage prospects that are familar with common application patterns.
Reopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Anonymous commented
It would be cool if we could have some interactions (such as an animation) in a same artboard.
Vlad commented
I think animations are the main thing missing in the tool right now. I find "Principle" way of transitions very easy.
Would be greate to have it in Adobe XD, until then I still need to animate in third party apps.
Michael McConnell commented
Export animations as JS and CSS
Seb Bailey commented
Have the option to slide in/out objects that lie just outside of the artboard into/out of frame, e.g on the click of a button.
The best use case for this would be a menu toggle that slides a menu in from the side (like in the majority of apps) that isn't a completely new screen, but an overlay over the existing screen.
it would be good if you could create custom-sized "Overlay Artboards" that you could choose to slide in/out in prototype mode. This way you can design it once and apply it to multiple screens - rather than duplicating the menu for various artboards.
Anonymous commented
I vote for this feature. Needed ASAP. I need input fields, dropdowns, hoverstates, etc. HotGloo was amazing for this stuff but their design tools and capabilities are the worst.
Anonymous commented
Micro interactions are crucial to call a prototype a prototype.. That's the way to differentiate a working prototype built on Soemthing like XD from a mere presentation with slides linked to one another.. Can't wait to get these features to try on XD..
Julien R commented
Let me begin by saying I love the simplicity of this tool and may it evolve the same way.
I'm a design engineer in SF and one of the common problems in I've seen is the disconnect between designers and engineers. Designers create designs and prototypes which Adobe XD does quite well, even though sketch is ahead (but buggy). The issue is when these prototypes have to be develop and no transitions are provided. Designer have to sit down with engineers or in order to create the perfect animations & transitions for every component & element.
Of course there are ways around it using After effects to create animations but let's face it, After effects wasn't designed for that and is a complex tool.
Anyways, creating a third tab: Animations
Similar to the prototype tab, it can start with something very simple and only a few options however these would represent a tremendous improvement for this tool to be the ultimate Designers tool.I think the first version could use the same modal as prototype and add 3 fields:
- Animate: On/Off
- Event: On Load, Click/Touch
- Easing Delay -
Diblik commented
This! especially for UX testing, I just did a prototype that needs to scroll stuff... I'm asking in the name of all the oldies! can we have some easy animation features maybe from the old flash function or integrate from adobe after effects?
Diblik commented
Sometimes you have an alert on screen or an indicator, my first prototype complexity skyrocket because I have 3 status on screen, that turned 8 screen demo to a 40 screen demo that is very heavy, when a status in on or off object might have fixed it!
Sorry for the image but is somewhat delicated info
Salman Amir commented
Have interactions like swipe, scroll, object slide in (like hamburger menu style). Transitions like slide in with exiting screens behind. States on buttons like muse... And parallax scroll like muse will be ace!
Michael Tsimnadis commented
In order to deliver on its name, Experience Design can't be about static screens. The experience comes from the interaction. I realise that it is a huge task to build in all the possible affordances offered by websites, iOS Android and others, but at least the basics need to be added immediately. I'm very surprised that the Preview doesn't at least include CC transitions or even mouse states.
Ramsés Moreno commented
These micro interactions would be even better if there is support for symbols. For example a menu symbol with all its microinteractions reused in all artboards.
Ramsés Moreno commented
I think the way Flash/Animate have states on buttons is the way Xd could add support to states. An element can have over and selected state to simulate a button, an open and closed state to simulate a menu. This could be combined with events on other elements or the same one: "When clicked go to state open"
Aaron commented
Oh, and the ability to have fixed objects, such as fixed headers and footer would be great too!
Aaron commented
Definitely more interactions and animations. I've been holding off from getting UXPin ever since the announcement of XD. The idea of having everything under one roof is just too big of a draw for me. Im hoping more animations and interactions will come soon, such as the ability to do things like -
With out true animations and interactions we cant fully explore the our designs. Keeping my fingers crossed these come soon. Personally this feature is my number one concern.
Lesje commented
It would be great if someone opens the prototype and some elements that should be fixed are fixed or absolute.
Also the possiblity to show/hide objects (like a filter/dropdown) to show clients how there menus and dropdowns work would be great. Just like the toggle mode (and maybe choose a transition and ease/time).
Anonymous commented
it would be nice to have layers for each artboard, and you can choose them when to show and animate them within the same artboard, such as how hamburger menus slide in from the side, on the same artboard, or like lightboxes, also a gradient feature would be nice
Thanks for your feedback. More controls over animation is certainly coming. We are planning to first introduce scrolling of prototypes and then more controls over changing the state of objects in your artboards.
Please continue to comment with your particular use cases that you would like to see supported with regards to animation support.
Alex commented
Most transitions from screen to screen are global.
In reality you probably want to animate only the relevant part of the screen to ensure the user that not the whole screen changed but just a small part. This would be facilitated by custom size layers which can be accessed by the wires and allow for custom transitional animations for each layer you want to access.
To help with understanding here is a rough draft.
Shafir commented
Advanced interactions and behaviors as in Director,Flash,Axure etc.