Animate individual elements separately (custom animation transitions / microinteractions)
Support for simple animation.
Example: Show/hide a slide or push menu
This would enhance a demo and engage prospects that are familar with common application patterns.
Reopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Anonymous commented
can we have more advance features in prototyping/interaction similar to principle & flinto.
Levi Jones commented
It'd be awesome to have micro animations as seen in this article. Although animations can be a very bad idea, it can be used correctly to improve usability, and ultimately the UX by choosing smooth animations that do not "irritate" the eye.
Virginia Ibarra commented
If I need to show how an item is moving by itself, not due to a click, but by just time going by, right now I would have to fake it by adding a hotspot, click on it, and see the next screen where the item has traveled to. It would be great if there was a way to have things move around not by a click, but by time going by. Simple animations okay, like moving from A to B, or From size A to size B.
Julien Lambé commented
What I'm looking for in order to switch to XD would be able to prototype any animations like in Framer JS in order to bring top notch animations and not just sliding transitions between screens.
Gaffy Abdul Goffur Budiman commented
i use animations for tap, drag, scroll, reorder, move, etc.. if this comes up to adobe xd, it would be game changer! the team should add this, i still use a lot of product for doing this, but anything else in adobe xd is great! GREAT JOB TEAM !
Sarah Sorensen commented
This product needs this now not later. This is actually more important than a color picker.
Raphael commented
Transitions like the apparition of dialogs in material design would be very benefits for prototypes =)
Skye Giordano commented
I think the better title for this FR might be "State Transitions". An example of a specific use case: the transition between a closed accordion pane and the pane opening to reveal its contents.
Elijah Carrington commented
When selecting targets in Prototype mode, allow for animated haptic feedback.
For instance, a table cell being highlighted on selection, or an activity indicator view added to the screen to let the user know that a process is being loaded in.
Charles Plath commented
This absolutely has to be in there in order for anyone to switch. Unfortunately right now it just feels like a slicker image linking application. You look at applications like Indigo Studio that had these out of the gate because they understood that the users interact with dropdowns, input fields, etc. I'm with the others that for this application to be truly relevant in what we do, it has to do that and doesn't seem like a "backlog" item at all. It's a necessity.
Quentin commented
If this app is really going to compete in the prototype space, it has to have features like this. XD is, so far, a very well done app, but the static slideshow style animations/screens is going to tank it before it ever gets a chance to gain ground. Tools like Principle will gain big footholds and be difficult to surpass if these key features are backlogged too long.
byron commented
definitely think statefulness, microinteraction and in-view animatics are critical to position this tool in front of InVision.
Tapas Das commented
I agree with Jessica that this cannot be in the backlog as it has the same important as scrollable area. Please make this feature in your priority list as we are loving the software and will be super happy to get this feature. -
Jessica Peter commented
I disagree with this feature being in the back log. I'd much rather have animation support over some of the features currently in progress, like the better color picker for example. I am coming up with work arounds to depict navigation (slide out side menu) and rollover effects. It's cumbersome and in the end the prototype ends up feeling just like a slide presentation. I don't think that's your marketing angle, nor do you want it to be.
Is there any way to move this one up in priority. I keep checking back for updates only to be disappointed this request is still on standby. <sad face>
So far however, I love the tool. I'm just really eager to see the animation stuff become a reality. Seems like a mistake for it to be in the backlog. -
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to select a layer and have that transition go to another layer on a different artboard but only have that layer change.
For example. I have a rotator that I want to animate to slide through each slide. Right now I can't figure out how to keep everything stationary while having that one section switch out with the new image.
Mike L (MJ) commented
There needs to be more functionality within the options of Slide left, right, up, down, etc. How about slide up with create a blur background or a functionality showing how to open and close cards, Or swiping elements off the screen like in tindr. Just need to have more functionalities than left right up and down. With this being said, objects like headers to have the ability to lock into place.
Steven Jenner commented
Typical animations applied to objects. Slide-in, pop-up, fade-in, outs, etc...
Tween animations based upon keyframes would be welcomed.
Much like how you have implemented your transition animations, you would be able to do that on an object level (should apply to groups of items as well, so I can define a group and then have that entire group move as one in the animation).
Paul commented
YES! really need the ability to animate elements within a view. Define design patterns for developers / approval etc.
Also be great to export to JS and CSS
Anonymous commented
This is what I've been looking for! Not being able to perform interactions within an art board is forcing me to make my files huge and create art boards dedicated to showing active states and expanded menus on mobile.
Manuel Ryan Espinosa commented
I would like XD automaticly exportable to Principle for Mac or have the same features placed into XD prototype mode.