Inner Shadow
Anonymous commented
We need it. I have no idea what this feature has been missed. It is very useful to design form elements and used more frequently than, for example, 'background blur'
Juston commented
"inset" for box-shadow in CSS is very needed in XD.
Oliver R_ commented
While we're desperately waiting on this, here's a quick workaround: Draw a rectangle with stroke and no fill, copy and paste, blur the lower rectangle and use the upper as mask -> thank me later ;)
Kevin Consen commented
@Tom Krcha could we get an update on where this stands? Please?
If this won't make it into the backlog I really have to consider switching off Adobe Xd :<
Kevin Consen commented
I realise there have been several topics on this. However They're all over 1 year old and still have no status.
I'm missing the inner shadow, inner glow and outer glow options. These are basic elements used for creating UI designs.
I've (already) chosen to adopt Adobe Xd within my company as the standard UI prototyping and design tool. However this is a great handicap. I can't even design a "pressed/active" button now since it won't let me do a inner shadow.
What's the deal guys?
Ronnie Faust commented
As mentioned before - this is an essential feature for making UI in general!
sayeartd commented
please, please, please!
Ivana commented
Me too, please. Essential for button UI.
Is there anything missing aside from spread (both positive & negative) and inner shadow?
If not, maybe we can turn this into a request focused specifically on spread. We already have separate requests for these other shadow features:
* Inner shadow:
* Multiple shadows (and fills/strokes): -
Chad Smalley commented
Yes, please add inset/inner shadows!
Patrik Martin commented
Sign me up on this one. Need it for creating forms.
james guest commented
ok - what's happening with this request. I see tags on others about them being filed or worked on. This is a fundamental feature for an interface design program. please give us an update.
Matt D. Smith commented
super duper important
Josh Weinstein commented
This is very important for making form fields and other UI elements. Please add!!!
Terence commented
Would love to see inner shadow option to create on click buttons.
james guest commented
has this feature request been added yet? What's the latest?
Chelsea Guerrera commented
yes please - the ability to add inset shadows would be super helpful to create reusable elements such as form fields.
Zach Bruce commented
Tried making some form fields and realized I can't mimic the default HTML for one in Xd. Would love this feature added to the Shadow function.
HG commented
I agree. Working with shadows (aka wanting to make them look good) is still a pain in the butt in illustrator or sketch.
You always need 2 layers (one with the object and one with the shadow) to make the shadows look good. This makes it a drag to resize and copy or edit these objects. -
james commented
don't make us do workarounds to achieve a modern shadow effect like this:
negative spread supported in css, plus for other platforms can export as png. adobe reflow had this option and it worked great.