Import Videos & Animated GIFs to show in interactive preview
Support to import a video or animated GIFs to simulate animations or even playable video.
Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce that in XD 45 (released today 10/26), you will be able to import MP4 video into your XD designs.
To ensure platform compatibility and performance across desktop, web and mobile preview, your video must be:
AAC audio
under 15 MB
4K or under resolution.
Enjoy and we can’t wait to see what you create!
XD does not support Animated GIF, so if you are still looking for that, please start a separate request and vote on it.
Robin commented
Need video for training
Anonymous commented
Animated gifs are important for my work, as it's a simple way to clarify an interaction and 'sell' an idea to clients.
Anonymous commented
when will it be possible????? Need to do it asap!
Gianluca Simonelli commented
Please important!!! I don't wont use still Flinto. Thanks
Manuel Ryan Espinosa commented
I just came across a need for embedding video such as Vimeo or Youtube in the page. It is important to be able to prototype what the web can do and video is an essential part of communication on the web, just as much as text. Thanks for everything so far.
Roberto Freitas commented
Waiting for this feature... :)
Anonymous commented
Yes having the option to use video would be fantastic. Even better if you could drop a YouTube link and have it play.
Helena commented
HURRRAAA, can't wait for the next update!!
Helena commented
I'm so disappointed that I can't do it now......
Russell commented
More importantly, bring in custom animations for prototyping. This would be clutch for handing stuff off to developers so they see the whole picture and theres literally nothing missing for them to code up an app and basically make it look just like these prototypes, having a guide.
Guillaume commented
When I said I would like to see MOtion Design like Afte Effects it was more like importing a motion design already done in Ae.
Guillaume commented
I don't know if live videos is overkill, but I would like to see motion design like in After Effects in Xd.
Jay commented
This is an important feature—even if it might not be used heavily. It can be in that maybe you offer limited support for animated images: say GIF—with plans to enhance and increase support.
Why this is important: (current project as an example) we are testing a welcome screen and trying to help users understand how to use a feature. *We have hypothesized that with a simple animation shown to the user—one that leads them to do an action, in this case turn on an extension (in an action sheet on iOS), so that they can use the extension in other applications.
In our research we have found that people don't realize they have to turn the extension on and don't even realize that when they do enable it where the extension is located. To test our animation and user interaction with the action sheet we needed to build a prototype that can handle the animation, basic interactions, as well as simulate native iOS UI.
Both JustinMind and Axure allow for Flash (but we can't display that on an actual iOS device) or Youtube support or animated Gif. This was helpful. But, it took awhile and some tinkering to figure out just which one worked best—GIF.
I am more concerned with being able to tie a animated sequence (gif, mov, etc.) to user interaction and test these as we move more and more into a flexible personal device direction.
Cory White commented
Completely disagree that it's overkill. Communicating to senior stakeholders what's a movie and what's an image is necessary for buy-in and dev scoping. Placeholder images or animated gifs just don't cut it. Would also want the ability to auto play on page load (in addition to tap to play).
Nicole May commented
This would be an impressive feature to present to clients, in the process of bringing their concepts to life
Sérgio commented
Import animated gif
Adam Pietrasiak commented
I think it's overkill. Live Videos are not that much important when prototyping.