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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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371 results found

  1. add the option to go to another artboard when scrolling, (as it happens with drag on mobile prototyping) on the presentation

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  2. most of my project are huge and heavy, not less than 200 artboard

    I would like the ability to update certain or specific artboards on the link rather than uploading all the link again

    that's time-consuming.

    plus some times I would like to share specific changes done with my manager while other changes are still under going-which I don't want my manager to see yet

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  3. When recording a prototype interaction, the circle cursor shows off all of the jerky movements of my mouse. An option to automatically smooth my cursor movements would make for a cleaner and higher fidelity animation.

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  4. There should be a way to easily identify unconnected screens.
    And/or there should be a way to remove ALL connections, so I don't need to make one connection to display all screens in design spec.

    Background: I'm always having the same problem: I connect my screens in prototype mode, upload the design specs, developers are getting the link and then a screen is missing. Then I'm editing it, connecting it again or add/modify screens, I upload it again and the developer sees only the connected screens. This makes me so crazy sometimes because finding out which screen is not connected…

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  5. The new overlay feature is great. But a wonderful small improvement would be to allow us to use the slide transitions but to specify where to slide in from. That way, we could have elements enter and exit from specific points on the artboard.

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  6. When creating hamburger menus on mobile I would like an option to go back to previous slide once closing it and keeping the art-boards previous location. The new feature of preserving scroll is a step in the right direction. But doesn't help with this problem.

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  7. Add an option to toggle between states instead of choosing a specific state to go to.
    In some cases like a gallery, carousel, counters etc, the interaction is linear and a a single next/previous interaction can apply to all states.
    It will save a lot of time and errors to define a single interaction and apply to all states.

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  8. I want to use a PC keyboard trigger in device preview using iPad. It's to create a prototype that uses touch and hard switch operation, like Nintendo's Switch.

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  9. When we try to create and interaction between artboards, it would be great if the names of the artboards appear in alphabetical order on the list in the interaction popup window.

    In addition, it would be great if we could type the name of the artboard and automatically find the chosen one (like in search engines).

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  10. I would like to be able to define for overlays that they are open by default when I get to a page. That would enable me to close and reopen the overlay again without having to build another full page with the overlay in it (and I could use the overlay-specific animations rather than having to switch to a completely new page). The use case is a menu that stays open by default, but can be closed if the user wants to. If this is already possible, please let me know how, thx!

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  11. From Visual Studio to other known editors, it has been common feature that when pressing F5, the application will launch.

    Why not add same key (F5) support to Adobe XD as well, that when pressing that key, the desktop preview will launch.

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  12. Please include a search box in the dropdown so we can find art boards faster in large projects.

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  13. Many app pages open up the same page (such as "Terms of Conditions"), which only contains one return/cancel button to link back to a specific single page.

    Currently the only way to deal with this issue is to make an inefficient duplicate of the ToC artboard for every artboard that links to it, and have this specific duplicate's return/cancel button redirect to its corresponding artboard.

    This could be solved with an option for "2-way" links that can be linked to a specific button on the destination page. Clicking "cancel/return" on the ToC page would then redirect you depending on the…

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  14. This might be a little forward thinking, however, I wanted to be the first to post something for VR. It is inevitable. __ Cheers.

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  15. I would like to be able to change an interaction's start point after I've already set it. In my scenario going from a low-fidelity to high-fidelity design, there were certain objects I wanted to swap in for existing hot spots.

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  16. The recent update for multiple actions on tap triggers is great. Please carry this functionality over to the other triggers.

    I am using this software to prototype game interactions and having this request fulfilled would be welcome.

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  17. Hey Adobe, may update is great, Keyboard trigger is great but…(always a "but")
    I made a prototype that i can manipulate with the arrows and i don't want the native left and right navigation to be active when i test my prototype.
    I think a little option is missing in a general project parameters.

    Thank you !

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  18. Auto animate should have the option to preserve the same scroll position or not (like transitions). As it is now is very limited in terms of prototyping scrolling pages or pages with different height.

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  19. Desperately need to add natural cursor behavior to the demos when they are being recorded. When I just play the demo, it behaves as it should. BUT as soon as I click the record button, it switches to that weird circle thing that doesn't represent a true desktop user experience and actually makes navigation more difficult. This seems like a no-brainer and people have been asking it for it for years.

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  20. 7 votes

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