Manuel Ryan Espinosa commented
Randy Karey commented
How do you release something that's so half baked! No bullets, ordered or unordered lists? Extremely limited options for text. I feel like we're all being used as beta testers.
Anonymous commented
Please add ordered and unordered lists. Would be handy...
Joshua Curtis (Diary of a Dad Man) commented
If it exists as an HTML tag then why isn't this possible in XD? Why can't I make unordered or ordered lists??? Please add bullets and numbering!
Anonymous commented
Please add bulleted text lists.
• Adding spaces and hard returns to create a
bulleted list is a very poor workaround. -
Anonymous commented
Mac = ⌥ + 8
Windows = Alt + 0149
Fabian Delaflor commented
Need this!
Charly commented
Would be awesome, please help us here @Adobe!
Dan commented
Yo Adobe
How come we have voice commands and no bullet points? Considering this was posted in 2016 and is still being voted on this might be considered a priority by a company that listens.
elmfunk commented
thumbs up ... needed!
Heather Weaver commented
I really hope this is up on the priority list. I miss this all the time when designing.
Amanda commented
For real. How is this not a feature yet?
Manuel Ryan Espinosa commented
Needed ASAP. This would really help when designing PDF Research Reports, Pitches, Lecture Presentations. Thank you.
Billy Bowyer commented
Demetrius commented
PLEEEASE add features to style ordered and ordered lists with the different types of bullets (squares, circles, open circles)
Amanda commented
Yes please! Much needed!
Joe Trentacosti commented
This is something that seems minor but is an important feature that should be added ASAP. Bulleted lists are very common on web pages and is something I often have to show in my designs. They're very easy to create in InDesign and fairly easy in Illustrator but not easy at all to create in XD. It's frustrating. I have to work around it by drawing separate text boxes and putting them next to the rest of the text.
Frank Dreyer commented
I think hanging bullets in Adobe Pagemaker came out in version 2 or 3 –anyone remember?
Anonymous commented
the TAB button would be very handy!!
Anonymous commented
I supporting adding a whole range of text features. Bullets and lists are definitely on the top of that list.