Choose which artboards to share (share link to prototype/design spec subset / exclude some artboards when sharing)
Because we are often working with multiple dev teams on a single project it would be great to be able to select a specific path of actions and share them as a link. Example: share just the contact flow or the shopping cart flow.
The benefit of being able to see all screens and link to them is great. Being able to see and share a subset as well would be awesome. We could focus on just sharing that specific interaction and the team it is being sent to wouldn't have to go through everything just to see the UX of a single section.
Hi All,
WIth August release of Adobe XD, we have now added the ability to define ‘Multiple Flows’ on your canvas, switch between them in Share mode, and also choose to publish or share out links from your flows!
You can also choose to share out just a single artboard on your canvas, by setting it as ‘Home’ artboard and not having any connection wires to/from it.
Check out this video and blog post to learn more!
Video link:
Creating & Sharing Multiple Flows in Adobe XD:
I highly encourage you to install the latest version of Adobe XD, and give this feature a try!
We would love to hear your feedback and improve upon it.
Theunis commented
And why does link sharing have a PREMIUM badge?
Theunis commented
Yeah like, what about this instance? I made a doc with no prototyping, it's just assets and ref layouts...
In the Design System Doc, I now have to add navigation buttons to allow developers to view either the typefaces or icons or buttons. Is that what I am supposed to do?
Theunis commented
This feature needs to get fixed or expanded upon ASAP please because now I have to wire stuff that doesn't need wiring and remake links because of it. I am working in a production environment. You update both help and screw with me.
You are aware that people are using this software in a production environment, right?
Theunis commented
We need more options on the sharing panel or an expanded system on the templates.
AND why does the Custom template not allow one to customise the link in an advanced manner? One can't even specify that the assets should be downloadable. Defuq?
Theunis commented
Please can we get a means of setting wich artboards to share per share-link; or a share all artboards switch.
I'm in a stage where I need to share a doc with my team for review, no prototyping is needed right now. YET, now I have to set up wires so that the sharing feature can share all artboards.
The wires I'm setting up now will be broken because I don't know if the current look is edifiable.
I do like the new sharing system, it's great but the artboards being greyed out becasue they don't have wires on them is a bit more than eroneous in my opinion. Why not have a setting for artboard exclussion when you are setting up a Design Review link? That way you can keep the Design Language System in the doc but exclude it.
Erin K commented
I work with XD not just for workflow, but to try options of the same page and get feedback from the client. When I go to share for review now, it only selects the first page and all others are grayed out. I'm not able to change this unless I prototype them together, which is a waste of time on my end.
I think for this use case, and just in general, it would be good for users to have more control over what boards are included or not included in the review.
Christopher Yin commented
Be able to create a client specific viewing experience where you can organize and select which boards you want to share with said client.
Simon Kalil Borst commented
Export Dev or Review Selected Artboards Please! This would be a game-changer for organization.
Anonymous commented
When exporting for review all dartboards auto upload. But many times I only want a single artboard to upload.
Solution that Adobe has to make:
Select the artboards you want > export
Nothing selected > upload all -
Matt Brogan commented
Currently using a mix of Zeplin and Xd for handovers.
Would be great if we could select the artboards we want to share for development. -
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to select which artboards I want to upload when I share for review. Since I use my files as working documents, they often have pages that I don't want a client to see. But when I upload for review, they are able to tab through all the pages, even if they are not linked. By doing so, some of my clients have stumbled upon unfinished pages or symbol pages. This is really not a professional experience for them, so as it is, I have to save a new file and delete all pages that I don't want to be seen.
Anonymous commented
This! We're still using Zeplin as a communication platform to the dev teams, being able to make separate flows from a single document would be an awesome way to only use XD!
Also being able to group certain art boards in the development handoff overview would be great
wei commented
Also for Share for Review, as I have many artboards as templates, or scrapped ideas that I don't want to delete.
Right now 2 files, one with content for Review and one with working templates and going back and forth.
EpREM commented
Need to share with developers selected artboard(s)
Simon Petrus commented
Please make this feature available. This is very important if we have to share only the finished page to a client.
VincentS commented
I understand that many people have been asking for the option to publish all artboards regardless of whether or not they are linked. Unfortunately this has been implemented quietly at the expense of being able to publish only selected/linked artboards. I would love to have this option back – I like to keep inspiration and sketches close to my mockup and obviously don't want the client to be able to click through them.
Tara Price commented
I need to be able to share a single page for review, without having to be linked to another document. Occasionally I need to send the design systems or single page without wanting to send just a PNG.
Matza commented
@Adobe: Please just add a checkbox "Share selected artboards" in the share-dialogue.
Sharing in Design-Mode" means sharing all (if no artboard is selected) or just selected artboards.
Sharing in "Prototype-Mode" means sharing all (if no artboard is linked to another) or just linked artboards.Great! And more intuitive, because the share button is visible in the design mode but just works properly with the linking in the prototype-mode!
Anonymous commented
Please do this
mzech commented
This is essential. If you have Artboards for animation purposes or old versions of a screen you want to keep in your file and don't want clients to see them when clicking through the prototype, you basically have to create a new file. I want to de-select specific artboards (like Mark for Export) that won't show up in Review-Mode.