Vertical Alignment of text in text box
Ability to align text to the top/middle/bottom of the text box. I'm sure you've already got the horizontal alignment options covered in your checklist.

Ali commented
This detail can differentiate a trained eye against a novice. Why dont we have this feature already? Adobe can easily develop XD as the best software there is. Come on guys give XD more attention!!
Jonas Aeschlimann commented
need this also, why can't i vote for it?
Dantaro commented
Why the heck is this not implemented. Reported 2016, and it's now 2023?
Jennifer Wagner commented
Very critical!! Grids look horrible without this
CC commented
100% critical! It's impossible to have a good looking grid when the cells have text as 1 line and others with 2 lines...all the 2 liners have to go up or down, leaving them NOT vertically centered and looking ridiculous. Please fix this!! Even if "auto-resize" had a center dot to say "put it all in the middle vertically and horizontally no matter what"? Or just the traditional
align > vertical
vertical > top middle bottom
Thank you!!! -
Gordon Langley commented
Mission critical!!
Chassy commented
This is an important feature for useful components. I want to be able to modify text in an instance, which could be one or several lines, and keep that text aligned enter top, center or bottom. As things are, instances will only keep that text aligned top, making some customizations impossible.
Khuyen commented
Please make this real! It's been way too long. I need this literally every single time I use XD. When I have grid and the text is different length, I have to ungroup the grid and individually adjust each text box. So annoying!
Piotr Szcześ commented
October 2022 - still not there...
Renee commented
When using a repeat grid with text in it I want to be able to have the text be horizontally aligned - right now you can only top align text. The issue with this is when you have a grid and say 1 line of text goes onto 2 lines and the rest do not, you can't have the text to be centered or bottom aligned.
Josue Munro commented
The number of times I've had to change a piece of text to a path so that it aligns properly is frustrating. Please help us 🙏
Bryan Kearney commented
Missing this feature drives me crazy. We work so hard to establish a vertical rhythm when working with text, and the lack of this feature makes us give up accuracy and eyeball it. I'd much rather have a standard to apply and then override the standard when/if needed.
We have very specific specifications for UI components and the lack of this feature makes setting text for floating labels in text and select inputs for Material UI very difficult.
Add this feature as soon as possible please.
Marrie Max commented
There is no vertical alignment? Why is adobe XD so weak in features? and why is adobe so slow to update? It seems like this app is being developed by a couple of junior programmers and nobody cares about it. Because I also use it on the website ( but it does not work well. I think you need to some changes to your app.
maxmarrie commented
Its very easy and every person can do it easily. I also did the vertical alignment of the text box for my website's videos You just have to follow these guidelines.
Right-click the text box for which you want to set vertical alignment.
On the shortcut menu, click Format Text Box.
In the Format Text Box dialog box, click the Text Box tab.
In the Vertical alignment box, select Top, Middle, or Bottom.
Click OK. -
Mr. D commented
If Figma got this feature, XD needs to match it: -
Max Wittenberg-Voges commented
Come on guys it's 2022... As a designer, you got crazy, cause developed live versions never looks like your prototype!
Lukas Brückner commented
I'm not sure but probably this feature (desperately needed tbh) could also help with this one, since we have a really hard time handing over correct textboxes since they behave differently between XD and HTML. We thought of a workaround to place the text vertically centered in the textbox, but since this is not even possible we can't even give this a try.
ghowarth commented
Please focus on the CORE of all user interfaces. Typography and Copy.
It's frankly ludicrous that vertical alignment of text within a text box is not just a standard feature - I can do that in Powerpoint!
Bulletpoints and OpenType font support would be nice too.
You know these are features that you're losing customer to Figma for.
Here's my current scenario. I have one master XD file and I plan to translate it into a bunch of languages with Lokalise. I want to define a vertical area where text will be centred and if a string is longer (e.g. 3 lines of copy becomes 4 in German) text will still be centred. Instead, I'll have to manually centre each text layer. -
Chapalain Julie commented
Incredible ! I have been voting for all the votes about typographic features and I can't believe that they where requested since 2016...
Greg commented
Reasons like this is why I moved away from XD and wrote this post: