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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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22 results found

  1. Every time I try to work with XD it lets me down. Now I've built this prototype, created a shareable link but it leads to an error 503 page. It tried again creating a new link. Same error. The thumbnail appears on my CC prototypes but leads to an error page. This is basic function for this kind of software. It's not worth for me if I can't share/show this around. I'm now exporting to PNGs to add on Invision. Should have used SketchApp for this from the start – or even Axure RP. Cheers.
    (also the line-height in this…

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    Sorry for the inconvenience! We experienced an unexpected service outage last night that was quickly resolved. You should be able to view your prototypes now. In the future, you can check on our service status at (click on Creative Cloud).


  2. It's impossible to change the size of the artboard if you've used one of the presets to make it. All it does is make it scrollable if you resize it.

    I think there should be a checkbox saying "freeze width & height".

    The issue can be avoided by creating a custom sized artboard and pasting in all the content from another one. But doing so for many artboards is really hard and troublesome.

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    With our new September build, you’re now able to set whether or not the artboard is scrollable in the property inspector. Please do try it out and let us know what you think!



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