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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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136 results found

  1. Designers are able to add colors, fonts, icons, and many more to the library asset. We're able to even provide custom names to our assets.

    When designers share their work, which is made up of assets from library, developers are able to see the custom names for colors, icons, and components.

    But for whatever reason, you cannot see the names of the fonts (Name should be Body-xsmall). Could this feature be added?

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  2. My devs are using Xamarin. It would be nice to share my file with them in a way that makes it quicker for them to code my prototype. This might be dumb but I thought I might as well ask.

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  3. When adding development notes to an overlay page, the pins are fixed to the page behind the overlay causing the pins to be in the wrong position when you have a scroll-able modal overlay. It would be helpful if the pins could be fixed to the overlay itself so the pins stay in context.

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  4. Great to see the extension added to Visual Studio Code. Would like to have access to it also in Visual Studio Professional. This is wat the Engineers use.

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  5. Dev gets confused about what styles are what. I thought the XD Share for Dev link would have the styles in the sidebar, but there are none. I even have a master document with all of my assets: fonts, colors, and elements. Now I have to go back in and manually annotate what fonts are connected to what styles.. It would be a small addition, but would be super great in striving to better communicate with my dev team. Thank you for your consideration!

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  6. Most of our assets are white as we have a dark background on our app and this makes the asset view in dev mode totally useless.

    Please give use a darker colour or allow us to pick one that works for us.
    Alternatively give us a list view option with label names so we can see what we are doing.

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  7. The Design Tokens feature is a welcome and useful addition.
    However I was surprised, that the colors did appear in a completely random order in the stylesheet. I had intentionally sorted them in my assets panel.

    I mean sorting them alphabetically would have been a conclusive choice too, but scrambling them is bad.

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  8. It's very easy to create linked "prototypes" within XD - thank you...

    However, the way a prototype is viewed makes seeing the "flows" that exist within it very hard.

    What I would like to see is a way to export all the artboards with the prototype "linking" arrows visible and nicely rendered as a large diagram...

    This diagram would be similar to the concept of "Wireflows" ( and enable an easy way to produce another type of design deliverable.

    I appreciate that the design specs feature sort of allows this, in that you can see see all artboards,…

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  9. one missing feature in many prototyping app is the ability to show screenflows. which Overflo is doing very well.
    Can XD support multiple flows to be exported into same development link so it is easy to refer to how screens are all connected together?

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  10. The huge header and footer (ESPECIALLY THE FOOTER) on the bottom of the display area of a shared Development (export for Web) mockup is ridiculous. PLEASE reduce it significantly!

    WHY is are the header and footer so huge? We're not trying to show-off Adobe XD. The Software Engineers I work with could care less about Adobe XD! They want to see a spec'd mockup that they can use. I'm trying to show-off a mockup and most of the screen is taken up by useless, space-hogging Adobe XD stuff.

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  11. I always have to copy the link of the specific screen that has been updated and send it to the developer......i was wondering if there was a way to let developers know which screens have been updated and also which element was updated...removed...deleted...or something of the sort

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  12. Hi!

    I have faced many a times that when i share adobe cloud link for development purpose with the developers, for the first time they face really hard time to figure out how to see those assets or coding section.

    Could that development section selection (small </> button in the corner of the screen) be made more intuitive or by default option for the development link. Or maybe feature discovery could work??

    It can really enhance the experience for the web view users.

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  13. I think it will be nice and cool in XD if users should be able to view list of assets for export before creating or updating a preview link..

    It save time in trying to view unwanted assets files which might be export for live preview which might not be needed causing more time to go back to design mode to unmark the unwanted assets...

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    I’ve edited this specifically to reflect your request to list the assets before publishing. If you go to Share Mode, we’ll already highlight which artboards you’re sharing, which, based on your description, isn’t what you want.

  14. It would be much better if setting highlighted on the screenshot with red square would be remembered every time I open the page

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  15. Layers that have been set to "Fix position when scrolling" often overlap over other key layers and block the inspection of the layers underneath.

    For example, if you have a mobile screen with a bottom fixed menu then this layer will need to be positioned on top of the 0-viewport. This results in any other layers in body below this bottom tab layer becoming invisible in design and design specs mode. And the developer cannot see any of their details.

    So a way to hide these layers in the design specs mode will be of great help.

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  16. When you develop a design system in XD the structure of your components should be visible in the specs panel of your development prototype.
    If you build sensible components in XD with a clear naming scheme you can communicate a lot of context to the developer.
    In order to collaborate effectively teams should aim to share class or tag names between prototype and frontend code.

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  17. One dashboard with al prototypes for developers. Select project and see al specs. (zeplin) Now it's only send a link to developer.

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  18. Our UI kit and pixel perfect pages reuse single core components like icons throughout but they might appear in different colours.
    However when those components are also downloadable marked for export as (which we would like them to be) they can no longer be inspected for colour.

    Can you include colour in the inspection UI properties for downloadable assets please - we only need to be download assets once but want to inspect the colours for various states quickly in XD

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  19. In design specs, there is a CSS section with a lot of great information. However, for some users, it is relevant and potentially harmful. It'd be great to be able to turn that section off so that it isn't displayed.

    Some examples
    Some of our products are desktop products, built in C# and XAML. CSS is not relevant for our tech stack.

    The CSS shows absolute, hardcoded values for position, size, color, etc. This is the opposite of what we want to communicate to development. They should be using relative values or referenced resources from our design system for those…

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  20. I'm a developer and I need to turn a designer's design into css code.
    The assets panel now has only one group of colors. But the css divide the colors into background-colors, border-colors, and font colors.Can the asset panel add these groups so that they are consistent with the web code?

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