9 results found
Animate individual elements separately (custom animation transitions / microinteractions)
Support for simple animation.
Example: Show/hide a slide or push menuThis would enhance a demo and engage prospects that are familar with common application patterns.
8,057 votesReopening the feature request, based on feedback.
Text input field with actions based on value
For prototyping and user testing, a text input field control would be very helpful. Bonus if you could apply actions to enter / submit based on different strings.
3,558 votes -
Global/Master artboard templates (pin objects across all artboards)
Ability to have a single object (or group) break out of its artboard and cross multiple artboards within a single prototype. The simplest use case is the creation of a global navigation bar that spans across multiple screens. This object's interactive elements would also work across multiple screens as well, and any edits to this object would update across the rest of the screens.
Easy interaction management and editing. Also provides consistency with consistent elements within an experience.
2,872 votes -
Gestures - swipe, pinch/zoom, force touch
In order to full use this as a UX professional, I would have to have the ability to include gestures, most critically for handing a stakeholder a wireframe or design. Gestural swipes, two-finger zoom, force-touch, etc. Otherwise I don't think too many experience UX professionals will be able to properly communicate core functionality and the behavioral imperatives incumbent to the process.
2,720 votes -
Logic in prototyping - conditional behavior, branching, if/then
To be able to prototype for usability testing and demonstrations there needs to be a bit more intelligence around how experiences are joined up togehter.
If clause example:
If user makes choice a, do x. If user makes choice b, do z. And so on.Variables:
When user makes a choice/clicks/fills in a field etc. assign a variable. Then allow designer to use variables in an if-clause to make decision which roots to go down.Thank you :)
1,218 votes -
Custom Scroll Animation Behavior (scroll trigger)
Most of modern apps have some custom behaviour - for example
In user profile, you see big profile picture, but when you scroll down to see user posts - picture gets smaller and moves to the corner.
Would be cool to be able to treat scroll position as kind of keyframes timeline, where you can modify styles of some elements and tween them depending on how much some view is scrolled.
Some tools have kind of similar option - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRHuAq4PqQo - check first 30 secs.
1,197 votes -
Interactive Prototyping for User Testing
I use JustInMind to prototype Web and Mobile apps that I then user-test. The JIM application is less than optimal, but to attract a broader Human Factors / Usability / Design audience you're going to need a lot more than "scrolling."
Interactive elements such as text fields, check boxes, drop-downs, etc. that can all be connected, responding to user inputs as needed, in a manner that replicates a real application in its native environment is what is needed.
I look forward to that day, as your design tools and simple, visual linking paradigm are certainly winners.
1,151 votes -
Export interactive PDF with clickable "PageTo" links
Please add the option to export all artboards of the prototype as a PDF document of many pages, preserving prototype interactivity saving links as PDF internal "pageTo" links (or invisible linkTo rectangles).
So that in this way the prototype can be navigated in the PDF file like on a web page (transitions excluded of course).
This would allow a very efficient "deliverable" design document for the client.812 votes -
Update interaction wires across symbols / components (keep in sync)
Adding a wire to an object inside a symbol or changing a wire inside a symbol should create/change the same wire/link across other instances of that symbol in the same way styles/text etc changes other instances.
This would allow navigation to be edited throughout a project.
I love the convenience of symbols, and I love that we can now add links to objects within a symbol, but not being able to propagate that interaction to other symbols is a problem for me.
567 votes