Shift-key keyboard interaction bug
Linking two artboards using "keys & gamebad" as trigger and "Shift + A" as the "key" causes XD to go into a limbo state where basic functionality like saving and using undo and redo is not working.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
- Create a new document.
- Create two artboards.
- Link the artboards in prototype mode.
- Use "Keys and gamepad" as trigger
- Select the "Key"-field and press "Shift + A" (most other keys than A also cause the same bug)
- Go back to design mode and enjoy the limbo state!
The bug is in the latest version of XD and might be device dependent.
I'm using a windows laptop, and the free trial version of XD.
Thanks for filing a ticket! This seems like a bug and not a feature request, so you should definitely file this on the Community Support Forum. Please note that I tried this on my Windows machine and was not able to reproduce the behavior you described.