Change owner of cloud document
A member of our team is leaving. The only way we can change ownership of her files is to have her download them and share them locally. This is fine and all but it breaks all the links to the document so I have to go into the various places we share the link, like JIRA, and add new links.
I would prefer that we could just change ownership of the file to another team member.

We announced CC Spaces in XD today at Adobe MAX! In a space, all members will share ownership of the document, which means people leaving an organization won’t impact your workflow. More details to come!
JR commented
it's absurd that this is not a feature. adobe's lack of response on it is even more disturbing.
Lam Su commented
It's majorly inconvenient that this feature does not exist. I am very disappointed. :(
Mustafa commented
Need this transfer feature, is this rocket science?
MAEL POULAIN commented
10k employees company here. Big Design team.
This particuliar flaw is making us switching to Figma. -
James.Wee commented
Recently changed from a personal account to a business account. Now to realized XD files wont auto transferred to new new account even using the same email address!?!?
Seriously? !
Alexis commented
Please add this feature! Allowing editors to update shared links and any other permissions that the owner has should've been built in as part of the collaboration features.
Carl commented
This option would be quite appreciate. I've lost so many hours transferring an account of another lead designer.
Prasad commented
By the time this feature gets added, is there any other way to transfer file ownerships? I too am leaving my company and linked shared from file I created need to remain same without me being there - can someone help?
Anonymous commented
My design lead is leaving and now I can't update links for the files he created. Now having to resave these files and now the links are changing? Transferring ownership needs to be created ASAP
Anonymous commented
It's a very necessary feature for teams to be able to transfer ownership (or have multiple owners) of XD files, libraries and design system
Jae Ko commented
This is similar to the issue of updating links. I really hope this gets fixed before any other features come out. Otherwise, I have to persuade my team to switch to Figma like at my last company.
Zach commented
What a massive oversight for something so critical to design handoff. I have no way to transfer ownership to my team for design files? Am I being trolled?
This software is such a joke. One of the main reasons I got a new job is because my current company refuses to switch to Figma, and all XD provides me with is a new headache every time I open it. **** Adobe.
Mandy Carvalho commented
I've been facing this same issue right now. I want other employee to be the owner of the projects and I'm trying to come up with a solution like: having he downloading the cloud files locally and then saving it again. Just to see if anything changes. But we do NEED A SOLUTION for this ASAP.
joel heaton commented
We desperately need this for enterprise organizations where a design system is being built and there are FTE and Contractors working for the greater good of humanity.
Tetiana Donska commented
This is a critical feature, please do something
Ciaran Ryan commented
Even when I log in as the departed employee, I don't seem to be able to transfer the ownership of the XD file
Dheeraj Shetty commented
This has been a major problem in our project, the design lead left the company, but the file is actually a source of the design system library, and all components from all the files come from this exact design system, but since she left, a new design lead joined, and he is not able to access the file. This is something that should of the biggest priority because people leaving companies is common, and the organization that pays for the cloud license shouldn't be the one be affected.
Also, the ability of only owner sharing the links is another problem because if the owner of the file is on vacation we cannot create any links
desolver studio commented
Hi guys, right now we have a several issue because of that, when do we receive a solution?
Anonymous commented
@Christoper, we're having the same issue. You gave me the idea of having everyone on my team vote for this and
My team is smaller than yours, but your team's 40 votes would definitely help to get this some more notice.
Christopher commented
This is now officially a problem for me and my organization. We have a team member moving on who was the "owner" of important designs which will be detrimental to loose. We need to transfer the ownership but the prospect of republishing multiple years worth of work under a new user ID is infuriating... the solution: only people who cannot stop working are allowed to own and publish files? <eye roll> Please fix team ownership of cloud files. Creative Cloud for teams should allow any assets stored in the cloud to stay with the team account not individual user account and should be manageable across team members.
This is a core feature of any tool with collaboration.
This story should also get extra attention as most votes here likely represent a team of multiple licenses... if each vote here only represented 10-12 person team, you're looking at a ~$10k loss of revenue per vote. Our organization has nearly 40. AND if you look at the other dozen related stories about collaboration and sharing files - it's likely one of the most highly upvoted requests. This desperately needs attention, a roadmap and plan.