Organize assets panel objects (symbols/components/colors/character styles) into folders
Would love to organize symbols into folder for easy accessibility. I spend too much time looking through symbols into one library.
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Dear XD Community -
I’m happy to share that as part of XD 44, we have delivered the long awaited assets organization feature 🎉. So now you can flexibly groups your assets to help you organize, navigate and find your assets much faster.
This feature will allow you to:
1. Create unlimited groups and sub-groups for all your assets
2. Easily move assets between groups by drag-n-drop or using the move dialog
3. Custom Reorder your groups
4. Publish linked libraries with groups
5. Sort your document assets panel by name
To learn more about this feature check:
Please give it a try and let us know what you think.
Nbyde commented
really need to be able to name symbols in the future
Joseph Silva commented
This would be incredibly useful functionality! Great mockup, by the way!
Abheeth commented
Asset panel is pretty basic at this point. Some better control over them would be helpful.
1 - Be able to name colors, character styles and symbols (I realize you can rename symbols by editing the layer)
2 - Ability to group asset types together (mobile character styles, home page components, button colors...etc)
3 - Rearrange assets (related to grouping)
4 - Override or reset character styles or symbols (this probably has it's own feature request -
James commented
So I have often thought it would be nice to be able to group assets together in the Assets Panel. Especially when it comes to colors.
Currently colours are all just bundled together. It would be great to be able to group colours for different uses such as if using multiple colour schemes across a large project or having seperate color groups for fills, borders, navigation items, symbols. Or even variants in a colour palette such as darks, brights, pastels, gradients etc.
Same goes for Character Styles and being able to group them into Headings, Navigation, Paragraphs, Stylized etc.
And Symbols for Navigation, Buttons, Icons, Thumbnails, Decoration and so on.
As well as the groups feature, having the ability to export and import Xd Asset Sets is also something I’ve found myself wanting a lot. In the mockup I have included a possible way for this to be accomplised. Or if not importing/exporting Asset Sets, at least the ability to save Adobe Xd Asset Sets to CC Libraries so that a particular Assets Set can be loaded into another project if a user wishes to use an established set of colours, text styles and symbols across multiple of their Xd Projects.
I've attached a mockup to better show what I mean
Rob commented
Being able to organize them within folders on the assets panel would be a huge time saver. Example: a folder where I put all my header symbols, or one for social media link icons, or callout buttons ones. This would also make the handoff to a developer easier. When there are over 20 symbols, it can get daunting to dig through.
This would also improve workflow between projects with commonly used symbols/icons.
Michael commented
Categorization is a must. If you have a lot of symbols in a project scrolling through 200+ symbols just to find a particular one you want is blood boiling
Adson Cicilioti commented
Drag'n Drop arraging!!! -
Anonymous commented
Better organization or categorization for the Assets panel for colours, symbols and character styles. Tabs? Accordions?