Export all artboards to a single (PNG, JPG, PDF)
The ability to save a PNG or JPG file with all the artboards in the file
I'd like to save my artboards to a single file, but I can only currently export a series of images of each artboard. I've provided an example below, which I've stitched together in Photoshop.
Poder Guardar un archivo .PNG o .JPG con todas las mesas de trabajo como lo esta ya haciendo Photoshop cc
Buenas amigos la idea seria que al guardar mis mesas si tengo un archivo extenso se puedan guardar todas al mismo tiempo como .PNG o . JPG como lo hace por ejemplo Photoshop es vital esto a la hora de darle eso a los de arrolladores ya que no es cómodo pantalla por pantalla saludos..!
el ejemplo que se adjunta abajo es en photoshop ya que no puedo realizar el guardado en xd de todas las mesas guardo una por una y despues las paso a photoshop saludos y gracias..!
Ivan commented
I still use Sketch because they have slice tool to make it real. Adobe - waiting possibility to make export of all artboards to one Picture
Andrea commented
I'd like to save as a single image all the artboards and the connection in order to show to the Customer the whole workflow (in addition at the live mockup).
Anonymous commented
Import all artboard in one image like photoshop.
Show the project to PD or Boss can not use pieces image -
Andrea commented
It should be nice to have a new tab in which we can have the design flow (imported from the prototype tab).
We should change the interactions between artboards and set a color for each line in order to better explain the flow.
Extra bonus could be the ability to show or hide the device picture as background.
Take a look at the picture ;)
ImpendingDoon commented
I have my artboards organized into labelled sections. Our developers want to see an overview of the artboard (a legible bird's eye view if you will). I get this by zooming out and scrolling to each section I want to look at. To create an overview, I had to take multiple screenshots at a legible zoom level and stitch them together in Photoshop. A real PITA. I'd love to be able to export this view.
Chris commented
As with PDF files, it would be useful to have a single png file to share with clients based on selected concatenated pages based on the order selected.