Ability to connect shapes to draw a flowchart
I would like to be able to connect different shapes (rectangles, rhombuses/diamonds, ellipses, but potentially everything). The connector line should either be solid, dashed or dotted and end in an arrow. If I move a shape, both of the connected shapes stay connected (the line expands/contracts as necessary). The line should be able to carry a text label, either in the middle, at the beginning or the end (supercool would be if you could add an offset from/to beginning/end of the line).
In other words: I would like to be able to draw a flowchart.
For me as a UX designer (not doing visual design at all!), this is a very important feature to think about interactions on a high-level (which screens/states are there, how are they connected, how does a user move through these screens). Right now, I still have to use Axure for that job, or a dedicated diagramming software like OmniGraffle or (in the old ages) Visio.
This feature could be supported in Design Mode. It's not meant to span several artboards. In fact, for such a feature I would only need one (large artboard), or even better an infinite canvas. As an alternative, it could get a dedicated mode, like a "Flowchart Mode".
Also, in large projects I had to draw more than one flow chart. As an example, last year I had to draw a really large one (needed to be plotted on A1 paper to discuss with clients), but in addition to that, I drew ten sub-flowcharts (the large one was the high-level, the smaller sub-diagrams showed what happened when a user entered a specific screen). All those flow charts were printed into one PDF file with eleven pages. With Axure no big deal – with XD impossible. :-(
Thus, it would be cool to be able to draw one flow chart. Then, add more features like the support of more than one flowchart and the abbility to export only a selected one or all of them into one PDF file. Add more features over time to further improve that, like the different positions of the text label on connecting lines.
Jonathan Eyler-Werve commented
I almost always include a high level flow diagram in a project. I have to draw arrows by hand, and they look like junk. https://cl.ly/170s0n3E2w0b
Suggestion: a default UI kit with some convenient shape and arrows in it.
Chris commented
I also think this will be very helpful. Here is an article with some examples of how it is done using Sketch: https://medium.com/@wixelhq/streamlining-the-design-process-user-flow-to-final-design-using-sketch-ba71d2355bf9#.rdrg0tdsr
Clive commented
I think https://www.gliffy.com/uses/flowchart-software/ does this well and doesn't feel as 1980s as Visio