Pen and touch support in windows 10
Currently it's not possible at all to work with Experience Design using touch or pen input on Windows 10. Please improve that.

Hi everyone,
With this release, we have enabled basic pen and touch support for XD on Windows as a companion to the mouse and keyboard.
You can find more info about the feature here:
We look forward to receiving your feedback.
Dan Tuhoarca
Remco Bos commented
I have the same issue on Windows with all tools on the left side (just can't click/activate them). Also the move tool (spacebar), which I use a lot, doesn't work with my Wacom Intuos Pro tablet.
Functions in the right sidebar actually do work
When switching to mouse everything works fine.
David Schulz commented
It's no possible to draw something on the XD canvas, no circles, no rectangle, no pen tool - nothing works when I try to use the touch or pen functions from my device
Peter commented
Working with Wacom Intous Pro I can't use and manipulate squares, circles and the like - although other menue functions work well. With a mouse everthing works.
By the way: Saving and reopening doesn't work.
(Xd version: just downloaded)