Spacing Before or After Paragraphs
Would love to have the ability to adjust the spacing before or after a paragraph as InDesign and Photoshop. Right now I can change the line height, but there needs to be another setting to adjust spacing between paragraph blocks.
Hi there,
This feature was completed and released in July.
Jannah Francis commented
This is exactly what I need, Paragraph spacing before and after. Plus being able to rename character styles would be helpful. Right now I would just use indesign instead of adobe XD. It is such a hassle. I really want to keep using this software but it is hard when there's no paragraph styling.
Zach Bruce commented
If paragraph spacing is added at the same level that Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign has it, we'll also need a command for inserting Soft-Breaks or Soft-Returns vs a Hard Return. Keying Shift + Return usually accomplishes this.
Daniel commented
Please add the ability to control the line-height/leading between individual paragraphs within the same text area.
Theodore R Groves commented
Please, we are a typographically demanding audience and this is a painful omission!
MaMaLy commented
It's very hard to maintain a consistent layout with each piece of text in a separate block (which is the workaround for not having Paragraph Spacing.) Paragraph spacing managed separately from line spacing within the same text block is essential.
Adam M Babkes commented
This is so important especially as we are trying to show real content. Trying to mirror true web CSS in the attributes that we are given would be ideal - especially with an export.
Deliutak commented
Including editing individually highlighted bodies of copy individually from whole text box. This is impossible to achieve. i.e., a single text box can have a header, a subhead and body copy with different paragraph spacings.
Mitsuki commented
Check out how Sketch handle this function!
Zach Bruce commented
As a user that creates responsive web design mockups of pages of flowing, long-form text, I would use this feature heavily.