Spell Check
Spell check please! Much needed for someone who sometimes glances over simple spelling errors
You can now use spell check in the September release of XD! If you can’t see the update, select … from the Creative Cloud desktop application and select “Check for App Updates.” If you have additional suggestions for this feature, please file a separate request!
Julie Lazarus commented
Go bigger, grammar and spell check please!
Kelly McCathran commented
SERIOUSLY! No spell check? Why can't all Adobe products give us those "save-your-bacon" red squiggles under typos??
Pretty please...
Helena commented
It's SUCH a pain to go back and forth between programs because you aren't a great speller. I mean I have to test this with people. It's not acceptable (to have errors)
Emma commented
Having spell check is always important so we don't look silly having mispelled words when we present to clients. All of the type feature ID brings are important in my opinion.