Artboard Overlays (sidebar / menu / popup) in interactive prototypes
Hi there, currently the only interaction is a page switch with some easing functions, but when you click a button, it would be nice that you van select a artboard that you can use as a "overlay" over another artboard. So that way you can create lightboxes in your protytype.
link.png 2402 KB -
Set_Keystone_(named_animation_anchor).png 29 KB -
Anchor_Types.png 32 KB -
Interaction_Types.png 32 KB -
Layer_Animation_Setup.png 32 KB -
Example.png 1373 KB -
Untitled-1.jpg 352 KB -
Screen_Shot_2016-07-10_at_6.58.15_PM.png 138 KB -
Captura_de_Tela_2016-03-15_às_14.49.20.png 1458 KB -
Home___Almeida2.png 77 KB -
Home___Almeida.png 343 KB

We’re so excited to announce that overlays are now available in our June release! With this feature, you can set any artboard as the overlay target of another artboard and visually place it in the right place in the viewport. Please do let us know what improvements you’d like to see in this feature as individual tickets in UserVoice – we’re listening!
To learn more about overlays:
Gabe commented
I'm working on a mobile layout for a new site and would love to prototype the menu.
Anonymous commented
I really really need this item to design websites properly.
Anonymous commented
XD needs to focus on the Desktop application. Dropdown menus with row states is essential if I'm going to use this software. I've also requested and voted on the idea to have states for different types of buttons. Thanks!
Harun Alikadić commented
No overlays? I'll continue to use InvisionApp until then.
Svetoslav Todev commented
Overlays is very important option!!! I hope we have it soon in the next updates.
At least Adobe XD must have options of most popular web-based prototyping software like InVision and Marvel.Nice to have link area hint where the user don't know where to click (where is attached some event)
KM commented
So - is there a way where you can create a symbol (ie. menu icon), which then calls a layer (not an art board) as an overlay? You can then use that symbol on any page, and no need to link up each and every instance, it just calls the designated layer?
Roland commented
I agree: in-page animations/transitions should be possible. Click on an input field and the keyboard appears, click on a menu icon/button and the menu appears. Changing artboards (slides) just doesn't cut it.
Gosia commented
Like a Master Page in inDesign, I would love to see this in XD +1
TimFennell commented
Yes! Like being able to expand a panel by clicking a button like an accordion style menu. Right now if i want to show expanded content within a page that is already scrolled I must load a new page then scroll back down. This doesn't give the user a good understanding of the intended interaction.
Anonymous commented
Yes Please!
Anonymous commented
It would be interesting to duplicate an art board as a child of the original. The background shows the parent slide and can't be edited. Any changes to the parent would be reflected on the child slide.
The value would be in showing simple things like a pull down or date picker on the child slid. This would also be a great way to create slides that show dialogue boxes and such too. If I do this 4 or 5 times with duplicate art boards today, I create a file that is difficult to maintain since changes to the underlying design have to be manual propagated.
Jeff Mendoza commented
You should be able to create segues / transitions that allow you to partially reveal parts of a page instead of going to a new page.
For example, I have a menu icon and I want a hidden menu on the left side to slide in when I click the menu icon, I should be able to create a segue or transition onto the same page but specifying how much of the current page I need to show... (if the menu is 400px wide, it should allow me to specify that value).
Amir commented
what if i need to do something depends on event like when the arrow goes on this area (hover event) something happen ... let me explain with more details EX: website on mobile screen i need when i CLICK ON (event) nav icon there i wanna the navbar slide from left to right or 200px against the right .... another one what if i need to collapse in or out, show, hide, slideup, slidedown, toggle...etc (all those are conditions) this part as example depends on click, mouse over or leave, hover, focus in or out...etc (all those are events and actions). that was the first idea
the second is what if i wanna to write a note to front-end developer or back-end developer about this section EX: i wanna to tell the front-end developer when user scroll down over 400px the navbar make it fixed ... i need something like a exclamation mark appearing on the navbar area when front-end developer see it and hover on it the tip appear to tell him what i would to tell him..
last thing and is not a idea pls pls pls improve Windows version.
best luck to whole Adobe XD team (impressive work)..
Seb commented
Great to see the Xd team implementing this. This feature could also be utilized to simulate animated spinners/loaders on top of an existing screen. The only additional thing that would be needed there, would be a timer function for that overlay, and a destination page/screen/artboard.
So the idea would be:
1. Select the trigger (i.e. a tap on a hotspot)
2. Select the overlay to be displayed (i.e. animated spinner gif file, or a separate artboard which contains the animated spinner)
3. Position the overlay
4. Set an optional timer to display the over for (i.e. 2500 milliseconds)
5. Set the destination page/screen/artboard once the timer is doneThis is something only half possible in Invision and Marvel. I believe Justinmind can do it fully, but haven't confirmed yet. So if XD can nail it, it would be another plus over all the other prototyping tools out there.
Can't wait for the next release and I'm crossing my fingers this overlay feature will be in there :)
Mark Stevien Celestial commented
Additional popup animation will avoid sliding the same page. The popup page to be animated not the whole page.
Michael Woodruff commented
This looks like overlays are coming... -
JFlo commented
Yes please! I JUST started using XD and this was one of the first things I attempted while experimenting with the prototyping transitions.
dvo commented
Great that a layers panel exists now, that gives us the option for this:
Would be helpful if we could have an interaction to show or hide a layer on an artboard by clicking an object.
It's cluttering to have to duplicate an artboard and then make the changes and connect the two artboards through an interaction.
Being able to create interactions for layers on a single artboard would streamline a lot of creating duplicate artboards to show interactions
David commented
I keep landing here when trying to figure out how to implement a show/hide menu system - think hamburger menus on mobile or dropdowns on desktop. I think the solution being discussed here could work, but it still feels like a workaround. Any plans on adding a built-in system for creating navigation menus? (Like most of the competitive prototyping software offers).
Kenneth Bitgood commented
Yes please.