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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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371 results found

  1. Whenever I want to do voice prototyping and have the prototype play a speech back to me, I always forget that I also need to select the time trigger option.

    I honestly do not understand why I need to remember to select two options just have speech playback?

    Why can't I just select speech playback option and it automatically selects the time trigger option for me?

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  2. Add a way to limit recurrence of speech playbacks so that the user can reuse an artboard without the speech playback repeating.

    I've attached a sample file that combines a speech playback trigger with drag gestures. When you drag the map right, then left, the speech playback triggers a second time.

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  3. The lower boundaries of the prototype view window are displayed as rectangular, rather than rounded, as upper. Rather, they are both rounded and straight at the same time.

    Version (Starter)

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  4. Having the ability to click an element within an overlayed artboard to cause other interactions on the original artboard.

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  5. Request you please add feature : we share our prototype link direct on mobile number, email etc.

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  6. At present, the list of Destinations within the prototype settings popup (see attached) is shown arbitrarily, seemingly having no sort order at all. For a document with more than a few Artboards, this makes trying to find the one you want really hard.

    The expected behaviour from my perspective is that the list of Destinations just follows the existing ordering of Artboards in the Layers panel. This way, a designer can order things as they like and then see the same order shown there.

    This is using Adobe XD (latest version at time of writing).

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  7. I create projects for commercial web applications and I try and prototype many function points. This can lead to hundreds of links and cross-links. I would like to be able to

    2) Look at the prototype links in a more text based format so I can search and replace links, bulk add links through a text editor.


    1) Set a core/common link for a symbol or element so when I copy it to other pages, it keeps the link. For example, copying the "home" element to another dashboard should keep the link back to the home page.

    A single,…

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    I’m updating this to focus on the text management of links. In the future, please do file individual ideas in separate tickets so that we can better merge them with other ideas!

  8. stack the link connection points between artboards as currently when zoomed out they overlap each other making it very unclear and hard to select them

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  9. I had the luxury of using Adobe XD on a Microsoft Surface Studio, for a whole week. Designing and controlling a project with your fingers at such a large screen sure feels great, but... didn't anyone of the XD team ever notice that the connection handles are just too small to touch and drag ?

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  10. Loving the updates but my clients are confused. As a designer, the prototype layout makes sense — As a non-designer, it's not clear what actions should be taken.

    I think the Invision prototype screen is initially more intuitive. For instance, it first opens in fullscreen mode (allowing for that first look excitement from the client) but has a sticky container that clearly tells the viewer they can take more actions to view and add comments and see additional artboards.

    In short, I think the prototype needs to be catered more towards clients.

    Thank you!

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  11. I would like to see the default desktop prototype view as full browser width without the title/sign-in information at top similar to Sketch. This information could be hidden somewhere or yoou provide the option when creating initial link.

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